Space Entity Hart



5 months, 14 days ago
G1 A4


The man who attempts to be the hero in the midst of Zyx's reign of terror. Fails repeatedly, and watches helplessly as Zyx finally destroys everything. Ultimately dies.

No, no, no, he doesn't die! What were you thinking!?
No, Spaceheart stays living, but fucks off to space!!!

Perhaps people thought he died after Zyx showed up and wrecked everything where he lived, but alas, the man survives.

I think at this point the vast majority of my characters fit well enough in Neko's universe to basically officially be in it! Space here included! We've touched on what color of energy Space would be capable of wielding and settled firmly on blue. I've also set about the process of redesigning his armor with the aim of making the design more cohesive, sleek, and hopefully a little more like a space suit? This man lives his life out in the void, it ought to reflect that. His purple hair already doing so thanks to getting fucked up by some alien goo! A good thing to remember, Flick, when you draw him again - Don't forget his robo leg! Same side as his purple hair, you'll have to design that from scratch since your last design was overly complicated and shrimpy. We want something more bulky and cool this time! Space isn't a speedy guy, he's not overly powerful either, he's a good balance that keeps him standing in most situations, but can absolutely be found in states of disadvantage. He fights aliens, after all! Space is probably so far away from home after almost a lifetime of travel, he may never get back! At least by normal means.

If he has bi-energy...a perfect combo would be blue and white to represent the silver/grey, since the "aimlessness" would fit wonderfully for his trip into space.