Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:


I will NOT be responsible for your failure to read all warnings provided. Character profiles will have warnings that fit their content. Even
if they don't have a warning, please proceed with caution [I am still working on this account]. Images will be properly tagged and if they aren't, please INFORM me.
All work here is a work of FICTION. It does NOT relfect me as a person or my morals, especially for my sonas AND self inserts.
The following account's written/drawn content contains...
*NSFW, both artistic nudity and drawn sexual activity [All characters of age and anthro/human/oid.]
*Gore & violence of all levels.
*Dark themes such as but not limited to: war, slavery, abuse of all kinds, mental illness, self harm, stalking, drugs, and more.
^^^Please note, a MAJORITY of these will be mentioned/described in writing only.^^^
*Flashing images, bright colors and possible seizure-inducing imagery.
*Disturbing, scary and anxiety/panic attack-inducing content/imagery.
*Political Issues/Politics [Not really, but be aware If you don't like that.]
*Transphobia, homophobia, xenophobia, racism and more social discrimnation [I do NOT support these].
*Relgious and demonic themes.
*Uncensored foul language and slurs.
*Traumatic historical events. [Mentions of WWII and fictional war.]
Thank you for reading!

This user's characters, art, stories, and other creations are protected under copyright law.
Any unauthorized use, reproduction, or redistribution will be met with appropriate legal action.

This user's characters, art, stories, and other original creations may not be used to train any form of AI.
Any unauthorized use, reproduction, or redistribution
will be met with appropriate legal action.

Please note your consent will be stored in cookies until your session is closed.

No thanks!