Dagny's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Cannot be retraded
Cannot be resold

Design Terms of Use

Tsundokuxx Global Rules

You can use my designs for any fandoms/stories/rp/purpose you want. No restrictions, just read down about commercial use but you have NO RULES with what you write/draw or anything with the design once you’ve bought it.



Credit and resell:

By purchasing this character, you agree to use the character for personal, non-commercial projects only. You cannot use the character design for commercial products or services without explicit permission from the artist.

You agree not to sell the character for a higher price than sold to you unless you have commissioned art for this character, gift art do not count. Personal art can add to worth 


Tracing and heavy references;

When it comes to tracing and heavy reference, that is something that is somewhat subjective. I do not take issues with references in making your own designs, but please avoid tracing my art directly 

Tracing is never acceptable, unless explicitly granted permission in writing. 

Using aspects I have created as a reference is ok as long as it remains a point of inspiration and the final project is distinctly your own. 



If you DO wish to completely overhaul a design please just change the credit of the design to my Alt (Tsundokuu) since it’s not really a design from me anymore and I’d prefer the credit to not link to my Main where my better design examples are /nm

The default setting I set things to is regift only since I’m lazy but you can resale if you’ve bought the design originally of course or added commissions, if you want this setting changed you can pm me! I don’t mind manually changing it 
