Fav for Fav <3's Comments

Faved 9! Could you do any of these you haven’t yet? Ty! ^^

Done-! Others already faved. Tysmm

Faved 16! Could you fave 16 from here ^^ Priorities: Pixle, Hazel, Enfys, my sonas!

Done-! :> tysmm-!

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awe thats nice of you-! And done <33

Thank you too! :D and done! I really love ur 1st design ^^

Awe thank you!

i love them all dearly 

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faved all ^^

Favorited 12!! Would love if you favorited everyone here ^^!!


Faved all! Tysm ^^

Tysm!! ^^

Faved 13!! Would love anyone from here

Faved extra one because i love their design >:] ✨

Tysm!! :D

faved 12 :D feel free to fav any1 here^^ https://toyhou.se/KaiEverz/characters/folder:4855235

faved all <33

ty :D

Faved 18! Could you do these? If you've done them all them no worries! <3


I faved the last one that havent! :> others already faved

Faved 21 characters some already had fav including your main (because of the raffle) Could you prioritise giving fav to the character in IC? 

and well for the others feel free to give fav to anyone who catches your eye here! ^^


tysm! and done :D

Faved 54 of your OCS ♡

Here is the Fav 4 Fav I would like faved, alongside all the characters I'd love faved :3


*Edited cause I had the wrong link at first XD 

i kinda loose count TAT if i miss some numbers please do tell me! and thank you! :D

You're good! Exact number Tysm ^^

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Thank you! :> and done! ✨

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a tysmmm and done! :D ✨

Hi! Faved 11, your ocs are so cool! It would be amazing if you could favorite IC and anyone from this folder! Thank you! :0

Ya fav 12 from my notifications so I faved 12 back! :D I love ur dragon OCs ✨

Faved 19! Could you do any of these you haven’t yet? Ty! 💕


o- i remember you! faved all :D thank youu <33

faved 6! 💕 idm which you fav

Done! ^v^ thank youu

I faved 8 ocs Id love to have this darling faved and then maybe explore and fav a few others, up to you? 


thankss TwT and done! ✨✨

Thank you so much!!! You're ocs are so lovely and i love the cute ponies :3

Done! tysm! :D ✨


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I kinda loose count- if it less than 34 pls do tell me! And thank youu <33

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thank youu TAT ✨ omg i love ur artstyle and done! :D

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I LOVE UR BIRD OCSS AA faved back!! Thank youu <333

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I faved Yatsuki! Could you fave my new sona back by chance? :3

Thank you and done! :D

Tysm and yw!

so fav a lot XD may you fav my main back :3 https://toyhou.se/13148285.miracle

Omg thank youuuu TwT aw i love ur main! Faved back :D

thank you so much! and i love your too all so adorable :3

Faved like 20 :D feel free to fav anyone on here!

aa thankss <33 ya fav 21 from mine! i faved 21 back :D

Aa thanks to you too :DD♡

I kind of lost count bc u have so many lovely ocs!!! I believe i favorited 15 but im not sure LOL 

1 2 3

Anyone from these folders please!!! ^^

aa tyyy <333 ya fav only 14 from my notifications TAT let me fav ur back :D

Edit: op the first link didnt work for some reason

I love ur OCs from 2nd link TAT sheesh their design ✨️✨️ still 8 faved cuz 1st link didnt work :< i'll fav another 7 when it fixed ^^

Oops my bad!! Tysm for letting me know! https://toyhou.se/Bobiflesh/characters/folder:4719685 Here is the fixed link :3 thank you!!

Faved all! :D

Faved 7! Can you fav the 7 in this folder here: https://toyhou.se/BreadyMan/characters/folder:4948279 please? Ty!

done and thank youu <33

Thank you and done! :D

Faved 9 ♥️🐛

Fav back! :D thank youu

Ty !

I think I faved 32 - I might have miscounted tho sksksk

You can fav 32 from my sonas back!! https://toyhou.se/LeafeonsCave/characters/folder:2955766

omg the notifications LMAO Thank you! and yes u fav 32 of em. Let me fav back yours <33

Tysm!! <33

i think i fav more than 32- I love how u have Obey me OCs ( •̯́ ^ •̯̀)

Ahhh thank you!! I am obsessed with the game hehe

faved (16)

lin, yatsuki, fawn, rue, dexter, butter flame, nor morte, olive, bat, anki, eden, chubhaimaru, kyle, kitsune, yuki, shyle

i'd like faves on:

the 7 in this folder

and 9 from here

tysm :3

aa tysmm! and done :D


I favorited them all + others (15 total!) anyone from this folder above pls!! ^^

omg thank youu TwT and done! i love how colorful ur OCs are <3

Thank u so much!!! ^^🌟

Faved one

Thank you and done ^^

faved 2 !! love them all though !!

culd you fav these two :D

Thankss <33 I really love ur Kindrey design TAT ✨✨

thank u !! <3 for faving the ocs and liking kindrey !! made her for my gf :333

Hey!! faved 4, they're so lovely!!

Could u possibly fav those?

Elżbieta, Naranja, Shimizu, Kara

aw thank you so much! <33 and done! :D

Faved the 4! Could you please fav from this tag? If some are alr faved then anywhere else is good too! Thank you :D 


Omll i love ur ocs with holes on dem earss ( •̯́ ^ •̯̀) and thank you for the favv ✨️

Aaa thank you!! And ofc you have lovely characters ❤️

I faved all four!! Could you favourite these guys? :D

Oak, Shimo, Iggy and Caspian!

Done! thank you so much :D i love ur ocsss <33

Thank you!! I love yours too <3 :D

I I can't fav anymore :(

*sad noises* :(

Faved 4 ^^

Thank you! ^^ are there specific one you wanted me to fav? :0 or i may randomly fav 4

Anyone you like is fine ^^

Done! :D

Faved 4 <3 can you fav beans in there pls ? ^^

Done! fav alll of em, love their design <33 and thank you! :D

aww thank you sm !! <3

Faved four! Could you do four of these? Ty! 💕


Thank youu and done! :D aa i feel so sorry for your pets. I know how it feels loosing em :< I wish u the best TwT stay strongg ♡

Ty <333