Lord Zeshraith



4 months, 12 days ago


Aros' Feathered Paladin Lord

Name Zeshraith
Called Zeth/
Age 27
DoB content
Gender Male
Pronouns He/him
Race Human
Role Lord of Aros
HTML pinky
Owner Pogchamp
Designer Rocksnell

A young, honorable knight who took up the helm as Lord of Aros after the disappearance of his parents during a vicious, uncharacteristic snowstorm that ravaged the city. He inherited this holy land at the vulnerable age of just 16, still a long ways from graduating to a paladin.

Unlike his predecesors, Zeshraith has imposed a unique style of rule in which he puts more power into the hands of the people- allowing them to hold city-wide votes on various changes to town infrastructure, laws, and economy. While Zeshraith holds the ultimate power over these decisions, he has proved to take the opinions and desires of the people into account when managing his land and those who live in it. He has proved to be a popular lord, with his fervent desire to spread the word of the god Samakreit, and his willingness to communicate and listen to his peers and his people. Though due to his age and inexperience, there is much left he must learn, and some unsavory parts of Aros seek to take advantage of his vulnerabilities.



Zeshraith holds an open mind to any and all discussions- no matter how controversial. While he has much to learn on how to debate and negotiate, he makes a point to hear out differing world views, opinions, and try new things.


Unfortunately for Zeshraith, he can be a tad gullable at times- having too much faith in the integrity of even those he barely knows. He grows more cynical as he ages, though he is still in need of a advisor to ensure he makes the correct decisions.


As Zeshraith has aged, he has begun to take his role more seriously. His general gait and demeanor demands respect, and yet he still holds a gentle and inviting expression.


While not a complete pacifist, Zeshraith puts diplomacy above all else- viewing violence and combat as an absolute last resort. This does not mean he doesn't train extensively however, and will not allow himself to be pushed over.


Zeshraith's clinginess is a sort of double edged sword- he is the most loyal a friend or ally could be, though he can be a tad obsessive and may even grow jealous if he finds those he is close to hanging out and spending time with others. While he tries not to show such negative emotions, there's no doubt that it boils up inside of him frequently.


Zeshraith is no stranger to offering an extra pair of hands and raw muscle to those who need it- especially in dire times. He will often provide resources, gifts, and share with others out of kindness and for those who are in need.



Zeshraith has a love for shopping and just buying little trinkets in general- his personal living quarters are chock-full of various figurines, books, vases, and even children's toys.


Zeshraith is borderline obsessed with birds, centering a large portion of his life around them. From falconry to birdkeeping, he loves to be in the presence of any kind of bird, and enjoys learning how to work with them and train them for important jobs.


While a pacifist for the most part, Zeshraith enjoys a friendly bout of sparring from time to time. Whether it be training younger squires or freshening up his skills with a fellow paladin, he enjoys the thrill of the battle when there is no blood to be shed.

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Height 6'5"
Build Lean, muscular
Skin tone Light
Eyes Deep blue
Light blonde
Thick, shoulder length
Style Gaudy but also practical- prefers to wear armor
Demeanor Gentle, welcoming, but affirmative


  • Zeshraith walks with confidence and stands tall, demanding respect.
  • He often has his sword with him, especially when venturing outside.
  • His crown of feathers signifies royalty and status, and so it is usually kept on.
  • His hair is so thick that his ears are almost always hidden.




Shield Bash

With Zeshraith's shield he can bash an opponent to stun them or knock them out. It also serves as a defensive move as it blocks any incoming damage.

Dancing Blade

Zeshraith is quite skilled at balancing offense and speed, capable of nimbly dodging attacks while delivering deadly blows with his sword.

Perfect Parry

A shield skill that requires great perception of the opponents movements and excellent timing. By bashing the shield deliberately into another opponent's (melee) attack he can avoid taking the hit and even knock the foe back and/or their weapon.

Rough skin

As Zeshraith grew up in Skyreach, the people here tend to be more muscular and tough skinned, well used to and resistant to the cold. This makes Zeshraith's body harder to scratch and pierce naturally, giving him an extra line of defense below his armor.



Zeshraith was born into a line of nobleman- lords and ladies who held ownership over the holy land known as Aros. Aros is the capital of Skyreach, home to the Skyreach Cathedral that has stood the test of time as the eldest and tallest structure in the city. It's religious significance and influence as a whole is impressive, reaching power almost equivalent to the reigning king of Skyreach. As tradition demands, Zeshraith was trained to follow the path of the paladin from a very young age, taking up the blade at as young as 7 years old. While he may have objected to this life in his younger days, now he embraces it more than ever.

Zeshraith was thrown into the world of heavy responsibility at 16 years old, with the city of Aros being subjected to a tumultuous blizzard which resulting in several casualties- a natural disaster that had never happened before in this land, and none were prepared to weather. Zeshraith's parents being greedy and selfish as they were attempted to use their riches to escape the city and leave their people behind, mounting the backs of Argentavis birds to flee. Unfortunately, their birds had gotten lost in the blizzard that obscured their vision, leaving them stranded in the storm in which they have not returned. Zeshraith on the other hand had been left back in the city as his parents abandoned him in a frantic haste, rescued by the paladin bishop Gervassius who allowed the young lord to take shelter in his cathedral with many others.

A lonely upbringing

Ever since the storm, Zeshraith has essentially had to raise himself. While Gervassius was there to take care of his basic needs before he could return to the palace, it was clear the bishop had little idea of how to handle a traumatized teenager. There were bouts of arguing between the paladin and the young lord, oftentimes Zeshraith would throw fits and isolate himself. He no longer held a desire to inherit Aros at this time, filled with spite against his parents and Gervassius. Aros would be borderline inhabitable for some time- with the thick mounds of snow lasting for months as people struggled to work and survive. For a time Aros needed support from the reigning king of Skyreach, who had to supply them with resources despite the city-state otherwise being independent.

After several months of turmoil and hardships, the snow would finally clear- but not without lasting damage to Aros' community and it's resources. Many crops had died and fauna had become scarce as well. Several of the large domesticated birds that Aros used for aerial transport and delivery had died from the conditions or gotten lost en route when sent to find help. Worst of all, the pair of lords were no where to be found, sparking widespread unrest and uncertainty. This was the most stressful and debilitating part of Zeshraith's life- as few decisions could not be made without his say as he was the only one with complete rights over the land and it's laws.

Without proper parents to raise him through to adulthood, Zeshraith had taught himself a lot of necessary skills for survival. How to cook, build a fire, make a shelter, and forage for scraps- all skills he was quick to pick up during the heavy snow-in. His relationship with Gervassius was not great, even when the snow was finally gone, he hardly respected or listened to the priest well after the hardships were over. He neglected many of his responsibilities- refusing to make important decisions and often shutting himself off. It took a rather patient and hardened royal advisor to break through Zeshraith's walls, and more importantly- to get him back on track with his combat training. He was fairly independant and refused help from even his advisor, barely expressing his feelings and struggled a fair bit to take advice.

At our weakest point

The clearing of the snow may have been a short repreive, but it only allowed for opportunity seeking bandits and rivaling territories to cash in on one of Estriar's largest and most influential areas. Aros fell into a great recession as a result of the coming wars and ransacking of what little they had left, especially with a lord that was barely an adult. But Zeshraith had managed to contribute more during these period than any of Aros' residents were expecting- and that was his willingness to travel through the territory and personally assist in areas that had been hit the most.

As Zeshraith grew into his 20s, he felt the weighing pressures of responsibility on his shoulders increase ever more, but the tragedy and suffering around him had finally kicked him into the mindset he needed to finally take action. As if a light switch had been flipped in his head, he put the survival skills he had learned during the storm to great use, though regretfully he also was forced to stain his sword with blood as invasions continued to destroy the city-state. It was at this time in Aros', and even Skyreach's history, that they had formed an alliance with Dracrisan, and it was that very alliance that Zeshraith had called for that saved their territory from being completely razed and stolen. It was thanks to Zeshraith who established a formal connection with the king of Skyreach, and with his brave attempt to challenge their isolation from other territories, they had gained incredible protection.

While Dracrisan and Skyreach have had a rough history since the great exodus of believers moved to the mountains, the alliance they had formed after the great storm and the recessiion has begun to mend their relationship. With Dracrisan's rich forests, they have more than enough food to supply Skyreach, which in turn these resources trickled down to Aros where it's inhabitants finally began to recover. Since this, Zeshraith has been regarded as a breath of fresh air on Aros' royal throne, becoming a popular figure and even gaining a personal relationship with Skyreach's king.


  • Write some trivia facts here....
  • The name Zeshraith, while a made-up name, was solely picked as it's pronunciation sounds like the screech or shrill of a bird.
  • His color pallette was originally planned to be more muted to resemble the usual feather patterns with birds of prey, but it really didn't reflect his personality very well, so I went with something more colorful and welcoming.
  • He was originally going to be the actual king of Skyreach, but I felt the role was a bit too huge for him.
  • The character itself is quite a bit older than the creation date of the profile- I just never had a ref for him until I commissioned one.
  • Vivamus lobortis ornare pellentesque. Etiam ultricies, nulla sed consectetur dapibus, leo sapien lobortis quam, ac luctus neque lorem varius risus.





Zeshraith's old mentor, and sort of a father figure to the young lord. He and Elyek have a strong father-son relationship despite not being blood related, always looking forward to Elyek's famous coffee brew and sparring sessions to freshen each other up on their skills as Paladins.




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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut egestas nunc id purus venenatis, ac mollis augue bibendum. Maecenas non tortor neque. Vestibulum at metus egestas, feugiat lorem in, eleifend ligula. Nullam at pulvinar dolor. Suspendisse mollis imperdiet ipsum.