


5 months, 25 days ago


he/they or luster/lusters/lusterself | demiboy | name can be pronounced as "laks" or "looks" | aroace

flamboyant, acts confident and with charm. may be theatrical at times too, but he's able to tone down his bragging when meeting with clients, and he's effectively persuasive.
although he may brag a lot about himself (which sometimes gets annoying), he doesn't see himself as superior to others. he's just proud of himself and likes to promote that. if his friends achieve something, he's very happy to celebrate their achievements. (HLEP IM THE OPPOSITE OF THIS)
sentimental person. keeps mementos of significant events and values friendships. tries to keep in touch with old friends in his life, and has a bit of trouble accepting changes in people and letting go of relationships that just don't work anymore.
despite being aro, he likes to tease his friends for having crushes and helps them by acting as a wingman.

used to work as an event organizer at a vaporwave-themed mall, but the mall closed down due to irreversible damage from a heist by gec and vapor, much to lux's devastation.
opened a club nearby afterward and employed lusters previous colleagues as they're friends and used to drink together every friday. they moved some of the mall's decorations to their club to recreate its aesthetic.
luster likes inviting zero to dj in the mall and koios often plays music at lusters club!!!

likes vaporwave aesthetic. he chose to apply for a job at the mall because he loved the environment.
listens to synthwave, prog house and indie rock, occasionally lofi. often zones out listening to music.
favorite foods are green curry, pad see ew and mangoes. he likes fizzy drinks especially beer and grape soda.
enjoys going to night markets.

design notes
sun halo optional