Neon Bjorn



5 months, 18 days ago


Neon Bjorn, the main character to my overarching an decade+ in the making lore. Wether I call it “Neon’s Tale” “Lament of Trinity” or “Neonverse” know this guy wether directly or indirectly is involved

Born to a unique race known as the Bruka, Neon comes from a Spiritualistic tribe of Monocolor-Furred Anthropomorphic nomads with an innate desire to scour the world for a place to Belong equipped with a natural talent at using Aura (otherwise the natural energy found within everything living or otherwise)

Even for the Bruka’s standards however, Neon is especially gifted and has learned to wield Aura as an incredibly versatile tool, from offensive beams, spheres or constructs, to indomitable barriers and self healing—Neon’s Aura is only ever limited by his imagination. Ontop of Aura, Neon possesses “The” most sought after an influential power known to the Neonverse, Spriting. Once derived from the Twin-Gods, Spriting was a power unique to them allowing them to forge the entirety of Neons universe and elements surrounding it such as their equivalent to Heaven and Hell. As a byproduct of their creation, their power of spriting is deeply bound within the realm itself and on rare occasions a mortal could resonate with their power and gain the ability to Sprite themselves creating all manner of life as they wish. Though mortals have their limits, this still brought about multiple ages of creators who would go on to shape history as All-Mighty rulers, Galaxy Shapping Protectors to the Modern day Leaders, with Neon at the helm himself.