Sweet Baby Blue Pearl - 21225



5 months, 21 days ago


Subject 21225

Sweet Baby Blue Pearl
FA.U16BG6 | Defect

21225. 21225... Diamonds, what a pearl. They seem to cling to me as if they're a child. She truly does act like one, I've never seen a gem so childish. She's giddy and giggly and it annoys the shit out of me. Everytime I enter her containment she jumps for joy as if it's the first time we've met, or as if I'm the greatest thing she's ever seen. I've had reports from other staff members of her doing the same to them so I know it's not a response directed at me. 21225 is such a strange subject, I've studied her logs her former logs and they continue to show she can't spell. We had to resort to giving her an audio log and every time I listen to them it's just some meaningless ramble. I'm yet to figure out the cause of these responses, why her tests have effected her like this instead of acting a treatment. I'll figure it out, whatever.

Sweet Baby Blue

  • Drawing
  • Playing Games
  • Staff Visits
  • Telling Stories
  • Yelling
  • Crying
  • Losing Things
  • Forgettin

Sweet Blue was created defective, ununnaturally short for a pearl. It was a visual defection and so she was set to be shattered, created in a reef that hadn't tollerated defects since the day it was made. Sweet Blue was far too immature to understand that just being alive would lead to her doom, she was too focused on friends and enjoying what she was given. Just before Sweet Blue was set to be shattered, Paradox offered to take her. It's unclear how Paradox truly got their hands on Sweet Blue, given the reef she came of refused to share their defective pearls. But, now she's here. In Paradox's lab, and she can't remember anything.

LOG. 8501

"Hello! I.. I, uhm.. forgort what number I'm on. Erugh... lemme go ask, stay here!" The pitter patter of tiny feet can be heard, running away and then towards the recorder. "Ahahha! I'm back, eheheh! Mr. Halcyon told me it was a number too big for me, so we're on 85 somethingsomething! Pfffttt, anyways! How was my day today? Hmmm... hmmmmmmm... HMMMMMMMHehehe! I had a good day! Halcyon and I are in the ex- expos.. exposurer.. erm.. exposore, exposuer room, got it! Yeah, that thing. BUT! I drew a lot, a lot a lot, and APPARENTLY I wasn't supposed to draw on the walls, but- but I was never told that! Mr. Halcyon saayyss he did but he's old and he forgets things and that never happened! I got a little but in trouble and then afterwards Ms. Doctor made me clean it all up myself, which was kindamean hmph. Mr. Halcyon said he felt bad afterwards so he taught me how to sew, and I made this little thing! It's supposed to be a rabbit, a really super cool organic creature, but I'veee never seen one. Mr. Halycon tells me about them because she's seen them before because SHE gets to leave, which is SO COOL! But, I love hearing stories about the silly little things these silly little organics do. And so now I have my very own! See! Eheheh! Ooohhhh, I love it so much!- Ope.. okay, sir! I have to go now, buh byeee!!"

LOG. 9191

The recording is simply a bunch is sniffling. Clearly, someone is crying as the sounds devolve into sobs.

LOG. 10579

"I don't... I don't remember. I'm sorry.. why can't I remember? What happened to my rabbit? Where- where did he go? I can't remember! I'm sorry, I'm so so so so sorryyy.. I'm- I don't remember what happened.. I don't like it heereee! I want my rabbit! I want to go home! I DON'T LIKE IT HERE! I- I CAN'T REMEMBER- I want my rabbit! I hate Ms. Doctor! I can't- I can't remember!" The voice breaks out into wailing and crying, no other words can be made out through the rest of the audio.


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  • 21225 tends to be a bit overly social, it is very annoying.
  • The days following her tests, she never seems mad or upset to see me. It makes my life so much easier.
  • It appears she's made herself a little stuffed toy. I'll have to speak with whoever taught her to do so, but I'll let her keep it. She screams and cries when I try to take it anyways.
  • 21225 Is often favored by my staff, I guess she just has this thing about her. It's hard to be mad at.
  • A soft, pastel, baby blue color - given by her gem type.
  • Bouncy and layered clothes, always in hues of blue or white.
  • Fair, smooth, skin. As if she were a baby.
  • Layered and messy hair that she's usually done up.
  • Hair - RAF Blue, #539FCD | Skin - Beau Blue, #CAE5F7 | Eyes - Little Boy Blue, #478FB7
  • Fair lips, not too defined. A small button nose. Her face always seems to be full of something, whatever emotion she may be feeling.
  • Im unsure how she got her heart hairclip because I am certain she didn't come with it, but I'll leave it be.
I feel like I care too much for a place like this..
song - artist