


5 months, 22 days ago

Basic Info


Moon Sage




Atlas was born beneath the luminous glow of the moon, in a small village situated within an ancient forest commonly known as Sylvanwood. Its floor covered in thick carpets of moss, coated with dappled patterns of light and shadow as the moonlight filters through its dense canopy. No wind was powerful enough to challenge their sturdy trees, with gnarled branches that reach for the heavens like the fingers of wise old sages. Its crystal clear streams act as veins, weaving through the heart of the old woodland and bringing life to its lush surroundings. Their gentle currents murmuring as they meander amidst the towering trees and verdant undergrowth. Weathered stone bridges reach over these water bodies, allowing access to disconnected pieces of land within Sylvanwood’s vast and densely populated area. Atlas‘ birthplace, the small town of Lunaria, is found in a large clearing at the centre of Sylvanwood. Here, the moons have full view of its thatched roofs and winding cobblestone pathways, illuminating the area completely at night.
Lunaria is home to countless individuals known as sages, who are intrigued by aspects of the world and spend their time pursuing its wisdom. Atlas is a moon sage, a mystical and knowledgeable figure who dedicated their life to studying and harnessing the powers of the moon. Their role encompasses various spiritual, educational and healing responsibilities, often serving as a guide and protecter of their community.

Other Sage Ideas:
-Sun Sage (named Helios?)