Hi! I have two Helluva Boss characters, I’ve had them for a while but I didn’t get a chance to make them a profile till today. Here they are!


As for what I’m looking for, a trade for each is fine. I was interested in these two.


I can do that! Could you send them to this TH?

And where should I send Howard and Valeska?

I will send the designs right now! You can send those two to this TH ^^

Pending! Thanks for the trade <333

Ohhh both look good! What are you looking for them?

Sorry for the late reply! I could trade the Tbn for Aero! ^^

They are not exactly what I'm looking for but I may use them thanks <33333

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Omg he is lovely!! What would you take for him? As I said I can offer trade, AC and Screenshot edits/customs tho this ones van take a while ^^'

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If you add this guy I definitely can ^^!


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Sure! And yeah two for one cause A has a lot more quality and his draw is a digital reference ^^

I also got him as a trade, and no problems think calmly!

2 Replies

I've got this gal for free if you want her

Ohh I'd  love to! thank you very much! I'd love to take her with me I promise to take care of her! ^^

Please send her to this account! Shadnarok 

She should be pending!

Got her thank you very much<333