Amanda Lê



5 months, 10 days ago


Gimme ALL the TMA characters please. She/Her

A jaded and tired retail worker who hasn't gotten her break yet. She has a high pain tolerance and a stunning capacity for dealing with shitty people, but is burning up with hatred on the inside. Understandable for retail tbh. She's easily annoyed and has very little time or patience to deal with people screwing up, but tries hard to look out for her coworkers regardless. Amanda won't tolerate customers abusing them. This is despite her lack of power in the retail hierarchy, not even being a manager (she didn't want to be given a position of authority like that, having little taste for it).

When an aspect of the Buried attempted to prey on her mental state, Amanda turned to the Spiral as a form of protection, knowing the consequences but honestly not caring much about them. In exchange, she feeds it the worst of the worst out of her customer base, taking a sick delight in the thought of these assholes forever wandering a fucked up version of the place she loathes. Her self-control, however, is being gradually eroded with each sacrifice. As Amanda's morality and mental state crumbles, it won't be long before she finds herself targeting anyone and everyone in a bid to maintain this fragile thread of control.