Burger Boi



5 months, 16 days ago
Trade Listing
For Sale (Real Currency)

Basic Info




Burger Boi LOOOOOOVES food! Mostly the fast variety. If you don't watch him, he will attempt to crawl into whatever paper bag you have and help himself. He does this to anyone including strangers!
Over time it seems he has become opinionated about the food. Which he prefers, which he makes faces at and peeps about. Seems you got a real little food critic on your hands!

Maybe he will run a food critic blog? Or rate restaurants? Or even run his own food delivery app? A food mascot? It's hard to tell!

Right now he just seems to delight in food that comforts you deep down. Good old burgers, fries, and a shake are his favorite! Since he hangs out around it so much, he smells like a fresh burger, never smelling like stale grease or old food.
Perhaps the good smells just seeped into his fluff? Or is it a natural smell?

He will share with others, and is not over protective of his food. It seems he just wants to taste it and figure put what he thinks about it! Yommy!