Cheap iPad Doodles! [PWYW]



5 months, 16 days ago



I've been really enjoying doodling on my ipad recently, and I need to save some money up for some furniture to buy in the new year so figured why not open these up for a while!
Currently accepting a maximum of 2 slots per person, with 6 slots overall at any given time.
When slots are full, there will be a waitlist & pinglist for those interested in a slot.
I will take payment once I've finished the doodle and you have seen the extremely watermarked version.
Payment will be via Ko-fi OR Paypal.

Please note that I can only draw human(oid)s and can attempt at flat faced anthro (but I have never drawn these before!!)
Art will likely be bust up, but I may push the boat out and draw more for some designs. This will be at my discretion.
I'm happy to draw character interactions too!
Whilst I have no examples, I'm also happy to offer NSFW. Please contact me around this for more details. You (and your characters) MUST be over 18.

My home currency is GBP(£), so please keep this in mind when offering!

please provide images for reference!!
Pose ideas: Optional, but extremely appreciated. Welcome to provide multiple!
Payment: Paypal or Ko-fi