Hunting West



4 months, 7 days ago


- Hunting is a cougar. He/they.

- He is the oldest of three brothers.

- He leads backpacking trips and kayaking expeditions. Sometimes works with Lilt or Evera as co-leaders on these trips.

- Works as a lifeguard with Dusky during the summers.

- He is a certified EMT, lifeguard, and Wilderness First Responder. He is very keen on making sure all of his crew members are safe during their expeditions!

- His design was loosely inspired by Xiuhtezcatl Martinez. Some day, I want to make a playlist of Xiuhtezcatl Martinez songs that I think match his vibe.

Tragic backstory:

When Hunting was a teenager, his brother Skater drowned in a tragic accident. Hunting wasn't there, but his other brother Dangle was there and couldn't help Skater in time. Hunting and Dangle are healing from the trauma of that day together. They both have very different relationships to the incident. It inspired Hunting to become a first responder so that he could help save those in danger, and this has been a very constructive outlet for him. Dangle, on the other hand, has experienced significant emotional struggles that he works through in therapy. In therapy, Dangle works through his survivor's syndrome as well as his misophonia, which got a lot worse in the aftermath of Skater’s drowning (Dangle's misophonia is typically triggered by certain respiratory noises like gasping, coughing, sputtering, choking — sounds that are reminiscent of someone experiencing airway blockage). Besides Dangle's therapist, Hunting is the one other person who Dangle really confides in about their emotional struggles.