


5 years, 10 months ago


Name Morgan Grandier
Species Half-demon
Age 90 (19 in human years)
Height 5'8" / 173cm
Gender Male
Pronouns He/Him
Zodiac Leo
Relationship Taken
Voice Hatanaka Tasuku
Theme tbd

Designer saintbara
Worth $55


A half-demon occultist travelling the world. Morgan fashions himself as a demon hunter, but he focuses more on negotiating with demons or helping spirits pass on. He loves to study and has devoted himself to research into demonology and the classification of demonic spirits. Morgan acts rather rough and sarcastic to others but under his gruff exterior, he is warmhearted and caring towards others, showing his good intentions through his actions rather than words. It is hard for him to be honest with his feelings and he often resorts to taunting others to avoid having to reveal them. He is reluctant to develop close relationships with others due to some childhood trauma, but his softhearted nature makes it hard for him to turn others away. His fondness for taking care of others sometimes becomes so overbearing that it causes others to leave him, so he tries his best to appear unattached. Extremely secretive about his past. He always has a few shadowy spirits surrounding him and act as his companions.

Having been born the product between the union of a human nobleman and a demon woman, Morgan was always shunned at a young age for his heritage. He spent the early years of his life with his mother in the realm of Helheim until a certain incident resulted in his separation from his mother. Morgan lost his memories of the incident and of his mother due to the trauma and was taken to the human realm to be raised by his father's side. Since his father had no other children other than him and did not name a heir before he passed away, Morgan was taken in to succeed the noble house. He suffered immensely under the physical and emotional abuse by his father's family due to his demonic appearance. After a few years, having enough of the abuse and saved enough resources, Morgan escaped from the noble house and cut ties with them to become an explorer. He was determined to reconnect with his demon lineage and find his mother. During his travels, he was able to connect with other occultists and began his research into demonology.