


4 months, 13 days ago


Name: Ashe

Birthday: 12/24 (2023)

Region/Affiliation: Fontaine

Vision: Geo

Weapon: Sword

Constellation: Cucurbita Varius (Pumpkin coach) 


Ashe grew up sheltered and pretty unaware of the flashy, colorful life of Fontaine’s high society, having been raised by a pumpkin farmer. It’s unfortunate pumpkins aren’t really popular, only really making their rounds once a year… 

Despite the family struggling, Ashe always maintained an optimistic and hardworking attitude, finding joy in the small things. Wanting to repay the family and help out financially, they set off into the heart of Fontaine to seek greater fortune. 

After having made a splash on the front page of the Steambird by accidentally winning against a high ranking duelist— their debut into high society didn’t take long. Some way or another, Ashe ended up working under a dodgy corporation as a host of some kind, thriving in the night with aristocrats at fancy parties. They’re most well known for their “Midnight Meetings,” (which they’re often late to.) Not that Ashe is aware of how dodgy it is, or their own reputation, really… Hey, if it pays well, it can’t hurt! 

Nowadays, Ashe tries to be more discreet with public appearances, dodging reporters left and right as they’re now known as a controversial celebrity-ish figure. 

Personality Traits/Other: 

Uses He/they/them pronouns but doesn’t mind and uses any depending on the situation. In fact, they seem quite pleased at the fact no one can really tell. “I can be anything you want,” ;) as they’d say…

Gentle, unbiased, positive, supportive, attentive. Has a polite, dignified way of speaking. Never loses their cool, and keeps a calm and fair attitude no matter who they’re dealing with. Persuasive and patient, likes to be helpful to others. 

Takes in information easily like a sponge, learning from what they see— for better or worse. Quite a simple person who doesn’t question much or complain if told to do a task. 

Rarely gets embarrassed at the flowery lines they say and still maintains a relatively innocent impression. The job has made Ashe somewhat of a natural flirt.

Most accidents caused have a way of working out in the end. It’s because of this that they don’t worry too much if things don’t always go as planned. 

Ashe is often late to events, but it always seems like it’s purposeful to raise the tension and drama. Good at acting, playing up the drama and following the energy. 

Is quite dense and needs things to be spelled out to fully understand subtleties. Despite this, they seem to pick up on others’ emotions and smoothens things out skillfully even without fully really understanding why… 

In truth, Ashe isn’t even making much mora as most of it’s going to the boss. As their main goal is to support the family back home, Ashe is often seen working other jobs, which opens new gossip topics. At the very least, the family is now living comfortably.