


5 months, 9 days ago


She , They / Pansexual 

 lore summary: 

A rival clan attacked during a storm to have the element of surprise. During this fight inside the camp, Hickory was curled around her kits, only leaving the nursery when the warriors who were supposed to protect her and her newborn kits was dragged away. Some rival warriors attacked her as soon as she left the safety of the nursery, her kits mewling after her. Suddenly, lightening struck a tree overhanging the camp, causing a burning branch to fall on the nursery roof, blocking the entrance and setting it ablaze. She tried to claw her way into the nursery, wailing loudly as she tried to save them, only being stopped by the rival warriors pinning her to the ground, intentionally forcing her to watch the nursery burn to cinders, her kits trapped inside. Soon after the rival clan retreated, leaving the camp in ruins. She had to be held down by her mate to prevent her from hurting herself on the flames, him already knowing the fate of their small family. After a moon had passed, she accompanied her clan to the gathering, her eyes never leaving the warriors responsible. Her clan fought hard to sway the other clans into the warriors being punished to no avail. They simply stated that they held her there to protect her, making no mention of the vicious remarks to the grieving mother. Moons passed, the queen was forcefully retired due to her severe lack of mercy for any and all rival clans, her teeth aiming straight for their throats. However, the leaders daughter was badly injured in a border skirmish by the same clan that killed her kits. She was sent to destroy them. So she did. She killed them all. Only leaving the apprentice, ChirpPaw and the queens with their kits alone. The medicine cat had witnessed what had happened all those moons ago, confessing this to her on a coincidental meeting, so was spared. She returned to camp, bloody but avenged. The clan would never fully recover. She faced no consequence due to her deteriorated mental state. All she wanted to be was a mother.

Infected rp lore: hickory was pregnant when the outbreak started. She and her mate were together. The clan didn’t think much of it at first as the stages were mild. They gradually worsened and forced the clans into lockdown. They would be forced to exile any who were bitten. However, some cats kept it to themselves so that they wouldn’t face that fate. A moon or two after giving birth, Her mate was bitten. Only she and him knew. They tried to keep it a secret due to him not showing any symptoms (to her knowledge. In reality he was keeping it from her) she went to visit her brother in the warriors den, talking with him while her mate looked after their kits in the nursery. She heard screaming, making her run into the center of camp. There her clanmates stood, screeching while her mate loomed over her nest, bloodied and drooling. Her kits nowhere to be found. He soon regained consciousness, staggering around the clearing toward her. She wailed in greif, her mate confused before looking at his Sorry state. He choked out sob filled apologies, trying to go to her. She attacked him viciously, almost killing him there and then. He never once fought back, instead he ran out of camp, blundering through the woods. Leaving his mate to wallow in her greif, clinging to her blood soaked nest desperately. Only a few clanmates blamed her for it, it having been a heinous accident. His form still stalks the forest.