


8 years, 5 months ago


Full Name: Noil ???

Gender, Species: Male, Inkling

Age: 19

Birthday: 5/12

Parents: Unnamed Mother, Unnamed Father

Personality: Noil is determined and follows the rules by the book. In battle despite knowing the rules however, he is not that great. He tends to make easy mistakes, ones that a beginner would make when he has been playing for a long time. This tends to mean he is generaly unobservant and oblivious to things happening around him. This can play true to his interactions with other people, not quite sensing that someone hates him or that another might have a crush on him. He is quick to anger, even to the point of tears. There is one person (Saye) that teases by breaking moral turf war rules him to crying a lot out of fun and good nature (Noil eventually figures out that it is not meant to be hurtful). Noil has an indifferent opinion on his family, including his ister Cari. He can make strong bonds with his teammates and actually [refers it that way to make fighting easier on all of them.


+ Confident

+ Daring

+ Energetic

+ Honorable

+ Passionate

+ Responsible

+ Trusting


= Aggressive

= Outspoken

= Emotional

= Stubborn


- Argumentative

- Careless

- Difficult

- Fickle

- Gullible

- Impatient

- Obnoxious



Noil is white with a very slight tan. He is well kept and cleans himself regularly. His hair is wavy without his hat on, and with it on he has it spiked into three seperate spikes above his forehead. He is chubby, but physically fit. He can go through several turf wars and still ahve a lot of energy left in him. He has freckles all over his face, ears, and shoulders but dosen't like them.

Eyes (iris, Pupil ,Sclera)

Green eyes, normal inkling eyes







Speech patterns

He intergrates slang into his speech patterns but at home and around his family he is quiote polite

Blood type (and/or Color)

Same as whatever ink color he normally is



He only has a few confidence issues to where he thinks that he isn't good enough for his team or not useful enough, this leads him to be overprotective of his leadership role as well as sensitive.


He has asthma but it only really happens during allergy seasons. He dosen't need to carry an inhaler with him because it isn't that bad.


Noil does pretty well in social situations, although he ends up saying the wrong thing at the wrong time most of the times. He has no problem standing in front of people and bossing them around.

Sexual Orientation

Homoromantic Homosexual


Saye (Present)



Noil can formulate strategies and can inspire his teammates well, giving them the potential to be a good team... if they had the capability. He is good at handling losses and can set them aside instead of feeling loss from each one induvidually. He can be thers for people, mainly Saye, when they are sad because he has an enormous capacity for sympathy and empathy.


The main way that Noil copes with loss is by being angry, making his team seem childish and immature, however this is his way of forgetting about what happened and dealing with the feeling of loss. His team dosen't mind it and will often partake in complaining about their losing. Even though he is good at coming up with strategies he is not good at carrying out his own plans, often going thr wrong way in the tid eof battle or getting too concerned saving a teammate from being splatted.





Lives with Saye in a small apartment.


Noil is severly allergic to cats but wants to own one. He is a huge fan of Callie. He hates slip on shoes and will only wear shoes with laces. He dosen't like milk at all and prefers literally anyhting else. He has a small garden in his window because he loves to complain to the flowers when thers no one else who will lsiten to him.

Theme playlist