Donald. M



4 months, 2 days ago


Donald McDonald

Donald M.

Donald was born/found in a Mcdonalds parking lot and was adopted into the McD’s family. He didn’t go to school and instead learnt everything he knows flipping burgers and frying fries. Donald doesn’t have any known family outside of the Mcdonalds he grew up on. But after spending the last 80 years there he is content where he is. 

Literally “Unbothered, Moisturized, Happy, In my Lane, Focused, Flourishing.”

Donald see’s the employee’s as his family, the new recruits as kids to take under his wing, he gives advice constantly making metaphors to making burgers and menu Items. He lives there, sleeps in the manager’s office, washes up in the bathrooms, he only eats food from McDonalds his favourites being A classis Egg Muffin with a Coffee. 

Random Trivia:
- Donald is the only person that actually knows how to fix the Ice Cream machine.
- Donald always deals with the Karens, forever unphased reacting calmly and referring to the McDonlds Policy’s 

- Donald It great at law and would make an amazing lawyer but he’s happy where he is
- Donald gets a little sad when people leave the job but “kids gotta go find their way” and sends them off with a Happy Meal