


5 months, 5 days ago


Masmanium (or Maz for short) is one of Lux's besties. He was born in a town called Huieen, which was a city just a few miles away from where Lux lived. They met online after Lux and the rest of his high school group began watching Maz's livestreams. It was back when he hadn't made a status for himself yet, so he was pretty fresh. After that, they all became close buds and would play games with Maz on and off stream just for fun.

Maz was not anticipated to be taller than maybe 6' 2" growing up. But by middle school, he was already 6'. By the time high school rolled around, he was 6' 5" and climbing. His parents had to hire a carpenter to help them raise some of the doorways in the house, including the one to his bedroom. He is a pretty level-headed guy and wants to put others first at all times. But he's also a bit of a crybaby, especially when it comes to seeing his friends struggling, or if something makes him super happy.

Maz is also a pigmented species. He has naturally pink fur, which did unusually well for him growing up. He was very popular at school thanks to his vibrant color, and a lot of girls asked him out. But he wasn't sure how he felt about dating in high school, so he stuck to being single. Outside of livestreaming, he also practiced dance frequently. He joined a small studio during his freshman year of high school and joined the male team on the cheer squad.

Following high school, Maz had found a close friend in Cassoon, a blue leopard from Lux's town. Cass wasn't too into video games but enjoyed playing with Maz. They hit it off and eventually decided to become a couple.