Onyx Star



4 months, 10 days ago


Onyx Star was not always a being of darkness. He was once an Alicorn—a majestic creature of both magic and flight, blessed with the combined powers of unicorn and pegasus. Born under a lunar eclipse, his ebony coat shimmered like midnight stars while his golden mane sparkled like a million suns .

But fate had different plans for Onyx Star. A treacherous accident during one of his celestial adventures sent him hurtling through space, far beyond the reaches of Equestria. Alone and lost amidst the infinite void, he became consumed by a deep despair that drained away his vibrant essence.

Days turned into weeks as Onyx Star roamed the cosmos endlessly searching for home, but all he found were empty promises from distant planetary bodies that promised solace but only offered hollow echoes in return. The crushing loneliness gnawed at him relentlessly, warping his kind nature into something darker—the constant tug towards oblivion becoming ever more enticing.

As time stretched on without end, Onyx Star felt himself succumb to this call, letting go piece by piece until there was nothing left within him but remorseful emptiness—his heart eclipsed by an impenetrable shadow that cast out any remaining shreds of light within him.

Now known as Onyx the Fallen—an embodiment of cosmic sorrow—he has become one with the unending abyss where no hope dare tread. Cloaked in obsidian armor adorned with ethereal gleams reminiscent of starlight long forgotten, he wanders through galaxies unseen by mortal eyes or even those who inhabit dreams.

In truth though swallowed whole

By darkness' unholy wiles,

The tendrils cold consume my soul,

Dragged further down darkened aisles.

My wings erstwhile spread wide,

Beseeching moon's tender grace,

Now twisted claws cast aside,

Longing to be erased.

Unhinged am I now from mercy's grace

To rot alone here 'gainst harsh cosmos—

Within me no trace

Of once celestial rainbow glows.

With each passing millennium, Onyx's memory of who he once was fades, replaced by an emptiness that has become his only companion. Forever lost in the darkness of space, he yearns for a redemption that will never come—a final reminder of the price one pays when consumed by their own shadow.