Tigress (Taffy's Sister)



8 months, 29 days ago

Basic Info



Full Name:

Ruellia C. Tigress




7' 0''


Female (she/her)




Armament, Observation (weak)


Taffy (Brother), Ruffian (Father), Valorie (Mother)



  • Tigress never met her father and knows nothing about Taffy's current whereabouts. She knows she has a brother as her mother told her about him, but she already has bad feelings towards him because he never came back either (assuming he knows what his father did).
  • From a young age she became determined to train as much as she can, even bringing herself to tears as a child when she found it hard to keep it up. Her mother encouraged her to follow whatever goal she wanted, and this helped her continue down this path.
  • As she got older, she realised just how damaged her mother was and that it was her father's fault. She used her hatred of him to fuel her training, pushing herself beyond her capabilities, eventually becoming determined to kill her father if they were to ever meet.
  • Ironically, despite despising her father, her personality took after him (Unbeknownst to her). She was goal-driven, commanding and could come across as uncaring and brutish. However, she had empathy, unlike her father and knew when she had gone too far or made a mistake.
  • She helps her mother with her chores and occasionally helped around the village with the more vigorous tasks (and to make up for snapping at someone or accidentally breaking something...)
  • She loves food and cooking, she wanted to be independent since she was a child and always wanted to know how to do things. Once her mother started teaching her how to cook, she loved trying to make things from memory. She hunts for herself and her mother so they always have fresh meat and don't have to waste money on market meats. 
  • Hates pirates.
  • During training, she unlocked armament haki, though didn't realise it as she (nor anyone in her village) knew of what it was. As an adult, a neighbouring village was raided while she was visiting and she tried to defend them. This was when she realised she had something special, it frightened her at first but quickly saw this as a sign that she was following the right path to her destiny. 
  • She begin meditating after her first fight. She hoped to hone her new skills. She ventured out of her village more and more often, trying to survive on her own. This is how she began unlocking observation haki, unfortunately her concentration isn't good enough for her to actually utilise it yet.