


5 months, 15 days ago


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Name: Mischa Cillian Grace

Lion Name: Ilya 

Nicknames: Mimi, Misch - open to more nicknames💕

Age: 36 

Birthday: November 21st, Scorpio

Gender: Male

Pronouns: he/him

Nationality: Russian

Languages spoken: Russian, Japanese, ASL (one-handed) and English

Rank: TBD

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Personality Traits:

Mischa is a very quick-witted, quiet, and guarded person who keeps his privacy under many layers of mystery, boldness, banterous humor, and a neutral gaze… although he was not always this way. When he was younger, he was more outwardly caring and gentle - especially in the presence of his sister, Lyubov. The wonder of the world made him smile, and ruthless or violent things scared him as it would any child. He was clever and smart just as much as he was curious, and many called him a prodigy for his brilliance. However, he was constantly told to suppress or bury the kindness in his heart by his family, because it was seen as "weak" or "too soft". He was also taught to think that questioning how things were done was a bad habit, even though he knew deep down that something was wrong with the Grace family’s practice of werewolf hunting. 

The kennels, the loss of his arm, the death of his sister, and years of betrayal however soon changed him. The gentle warmth in his gaze slowly hardened to something colder and steely - always watching and always cautious of who could be out to destroy him. His ability to trust practically vanished following the duplicity of his family, the treachery of the Akamatsu Syndicate, and being sold out by his closest friend - Gray Kurosawa. And after being captured for experimentation and torture by his own brother, Mischa’s heart was lost to the world… replaced by fear, toughness, and a more blunt, serious nature. 

Underneath it all though, there is still the gentle Mischa… just waiting to open up and show the kindness he’s always wanted to, ever since he was a little boy. After coming into his own and finding the confidence to fight for what he believes is right, Mischa’s true personality shines through. He’s still extremely intelligent and has got quips or sass for days (imagine banter with the most deadpan expression), but he’s also deeply sensitive to the feelings of others. And though he may be on the quieter side, he carries a fierce protectiveness and unmatched loyalty for those he cares about. If he feels boundaries or values have been crossed - either with himself or a friend - he is unafraid to speak his mind and will not tolerate bullshit. To those who mess with Mischa, be warned. His silent rage is a powerful and fearsome force to be reckoned with. And deeper down still, there is a part of him that wants to let go of his rage in exchange for the trust of others… to find the softness he lost so long ago. 

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Character Sheet + Backstory: https://docs.google.com/document/d/11E8GrGepJyL7PK2XkbqglHyIAy733vbziVzASIO9QYo/edit?usp=sharing