Cosme Dohman-Titantooth



5 months, 24 days ago


"Keep staring. I might do a trick."

last updated 2/3/23

wait a minute...who are you? [ he/any ]

An Ecuadorian that gets caught up in a lot of his family's drama unwillingly he moved to Louisiana in an attempt to get away. It didn't work very well as some of his family also moved to the states. The second oldest of 7 kids, he tends to be placed in a position of trying to keep them out of trouble even though most of them are adults by now. He usually gets stuck watching his nieces and nephews unexpectedly but he's learned to work on his feet well.

A former luchador, he found work getting into wrestling. He misses being a renowned luchador but he doesn't mind doing wrestling and picking up boxing on the side. While he's responsible with his decisions, if given the option, he'd like to enjoy himself.

[ alignment ] PERSONALITY

Mellow and a bit awkward with new people but once he warms up to people he's quite silly at times. He's weary about the idea of having his own kids.
While he treats kids with the upmost respect, due to having to practically raise his nieces and nephews, he isn't keen on having his own.







[ 0:00 ] ----- [ 5:28 ]

La Llorona - Chavela Vargas

[ 0:00 ] ----- [ 3:36 ]

La Camisa Negra - Juanes

two spirit
indigenous (S. American)
he's balling

LOVES [ awe ]

  • Jarriots

  • Wrestling

  • Telenovelas

  • Peppermint

  • Most sweets

HATES [ boo ]

  • Scent of gum

  • Humid heat

  • Guanabana

  • Board games

  • Fleece fabric

Design [ NOTES ]

  • Not shown but he has a few crooked teeth

  • Eyebrows are angular + his resting face makes him come off as stern

  • Right pinky finger is missing the a part of it

  • Keeps some of his hair up out of comfort + to keep hair out of his eyes

CHAPTER 1 [ Dear Lord ]

The second oldest of 7, and a half sibling to all of them, having a different mother due to infidetlity. His birth mother didn't want to keep him after he was born so he was left with his father. He isn't that bothered with the knowledge of his birth mother, as he keeps more of his focus on things infront of him rather than his past. Or that's what he claims anyways.


A lot of his family has a history of infidelity and other bad behaviors and misuse of substances. He tries to keep himself clean to break the cycle. It's proven to be much harder than he thought it would be, especially as he watched his own siblings fall into those same patterns despite his attempts to guide them away from those behaviors.

In his highschool years, he was aspiring to continue his wrestling career but was often interrupted by a classmate who had grown quite obsessed with him. It got to a point where said classmate managed to get permission to and went ahead with legally marrying him in hopes of him finally doing what she wanted. He never believed her claims when he was informed they were married, and it wasn't until he finished community college for an Associate's degree when he was served divorce papers was when he realized it was all very real. He wasn't too bothered to legally get away from her though.

CHAPTER 2 [ Ohno There's More ]

Due to yet another affair going on between is parents, his youngest brother was born and was practicaly neglected by both parents. Not wanting his brother to suffer due to his parents' issues, he practically took in his brother to raise. When Cosme moved to Louisiana, he took his brother with him. By then he had quit his career as a luchador due to a bad concussion. While he's mostly recovered, he decided to cut his loses and leave Ecuador for possibly better opportunities.

What he hadn't been anticipating however is his siblings also moving to the states, albeit in different states. They all have their own kids with their own respective partners but never seemed too keen on actually tending to their children, often driving all the way to Cosme's home to drop their kids off before ghosting him for weeks or months at a time before returning to reclaim their kids. He isn't the greatest parental figure, but he makes due to at least keep his neices and nephews out of trouble for the time he has them.


  • Absolutely adores aquariums and will make up whatever excuses possible to go to one if he has the time

  • Really enjoys wearing silly graphic tees

  • His old luchador name was El Doncella de Hierro (The Iron Maiden)

  • Is low, almost no contact with his parents but keeps in touch with his great aunt on the occassion.

  • Hates getting into drama, loves listening to it

  • Never got to have much as a kid as he was placed into a position to assist with his younger siblings. After moving out he started collecting things he always wanted as a kid.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non.Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non.Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros.