Platinum Berserker




"Yare yare, you truly are the worst of them all..."

Title: The 17th Stardust Striker

Gender and Pronouns: Male, He/Him
Age: 17
Awakening day: February 3, 215X
Affiliation: Maverick Hunters
MBTI/Enneagram: ISTP-A, 8w9
Social- Calm Sightseeing, Stardust Crusaders OST ( )
Battle- Heritage to the Future, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: All-Star Battle ( )
Reflective- Approach, Stardust Crusaders OST ( )
ENG- Abie Hadjitarkhani, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure OVA (Jotaro Kujo: )
JPN- Daisuke Ono, Stardust Crusaders (Jotaro Kujo: )


Platinum was originally a member of the 14th Special Unit, a section of the Maverick Hunters that specialized in Close Range Combat. Unfortunately due to anger management issues, Platinum often found himself getting into fights with other members of the Special Unit and even sending some of them to Medbay. The 14th Unit Commander requested to transfer Platinum out of this Unit in hopes that he could find a group that would calm Platinum down. Most of the other units declined due to fear that Platinum would injure their members.

When the 14th Special Unit Commander reached out to Alpha, the 24th Rescue Unit Commander, Alpha accepted the 14th Unit Commander's request to transfer Platinum over into her unit in hopes that she could figure out how to calm the delinquent-like Maverick Hunter down. Upon introduction, Alpha sets up a counseling session with Platinum to try to understand the root of his anger issues. It took her a lot of patience, but eventually, Platinum opened up to her and revealed that he was stressed out about his creator, who is currently undergoing treatments that will be vital to her health. He explains that he enlisted in the Maverick Hunters in hopes of raising money to pay for his creator's treatment. Alpha reassures Platinum that she will do her best to encourage patience among members of her unit so Platinum would feel safe. To further help Platinum calm down and talk to others more, Alpha assigned Platinum as a Navigator for his primary duties.

Platinum remained a Navigator for the 24th Rescue Unit even after raising enough money to pay for his creator's medical treatments but occasionally will perform field missions with other members of the Rescue Unit. He has managed to open up to everyone in the Rescue Unit and confides most with Alpha his Commander, Daisy a fellow Navigator, and Sunshine a medic.


Platinum Berserker initially comes across as stoic and distant. Intellectual, analytical, and stubborn, he sometimes has a hard time communicating emotions believing that others can tell how he's feeling from his stare alone. He's a rather blunt individual, almost being described as ruthless with harsh remarks and hard-hitting strikes. Despite his delinquent-like attitude, he has a strong sense of justice and loyalty that can be seen once he opens up to those he cares deeply about. 


Height- 6'5"
Weight-185 lbs
Build- Athletic male.
Material-Platinum and titanium alloys.
Optics- They are green in color and are incredibly sharp, allowing him to catch minute details to a higher degree than the typical reploid.


Platinum possesses immense strength and movement speeds. His speeds are so quick. his fists may create afterimages to give the illusion of many fists striking. In addition to speed and power, he is also able to make accurate and precise strikes.


Candy Cigarette Cases- He often carries these to give off the illusion of having a real cigarette. It's the next best thing to the real deal since the Maverick Hunter Headquarters does not allow smoking on their premises.
Canteen- A small canteen filled with water. Helps to cool his systems down, especially if enraged.



  • Due to his frequent participation in athletics, he has elevated stats in the following:
    • Strength
    • Agility
    • Endurance
  • Thanks to his superior eyesight, he is able to land precise and accurate strikes.


  • Where he excels in strength and speed, he lacks range. His strike range is only about 2 meters.
  • He is susceptible to ice-based attacks.


  • Platinum enjoys athletics, whether it is watching competitions on stream or participating in local physical activities. He bonded with Splash Dalmatian over their love for Baseball.
  • He's not open about it, but he enjoys hugs. A lot of people report feeling safe after being hugged by him.
  • Avid foodie, he especially likes homestyle cooking.
  • Platinum has an avid fascination with aquatic life. He especially likes starfish.
  • He also seems to like different genres of Jazz music.


  • Not too fond of small talk. He is a man of few words and intends to make each one count.
  • Additionally, he hates it when people fight over him. Secretly this makes him nervous. "YAKAMASHI!!! YOU GUYS ARE PISSING ME OFF!!!!"
  • Not too fond of messy spaces as these give him some distress.

Miscellaneous Info:

This character is an inspirational parody of Jotaro Kujo from Stardust Crusaders.
Often makes interjections in Japanese such as "Yare Yare" or "Yakamashi!".
On that same note, he often says "ORA ORA ORA" when striking opponents.
Very aroaspec, he can develop romantic feelings but it is extremely rare.