Manny Chanthalangsy



4 months, 3 days ago




monday: free will, with sunsets

name manny chanthalangsy
gender transgender male
pronouns he/him
orientation bisexual
age 24
dob august 19
s/o. mako
measurements 5’4” | 130lb
talent sightseer
role ??? | ???
dude you would not believe what happened at work today
there was this little dude getting bullied by the seagulls
they literally lifted him off the ground dude so i tried throwing food at the seagulls to distract them
extroverted introverted
instinctive calculated
polite sassy
deceptive sincere
indifferent emotional
reserved affectionate
lone wolf team player
mbti efsp
alignment neutral good
positive trait humorous
negative trait rash

design notes

  • manny’s hair is dyed ! it’s naturally a dark brown color but bleached blond with a little teal streak in the front. his hair is also very curly but destroyed by the bleach
  • manny has pariareolar top surgery scars !! they look like little suns around his nipples if that makes sense
  • manny has numerous tattoos! the most obvious is the flower on his left calf!
  • manny has 2 helix piercings on both ears!
  • he broke his nose on accident as a kid and it's been crooked ever since…
  • his bag contains his camera, some money, and various shells, trinkets, and bus tickets that he missed.


Manny travels around as much as he can, however he can. It is usually through hitchhiking and public transportation, going where his heart takes him. He uses his camera to document and photograph the places he’s been, considering each new place a new step in his life away from his boring past and his old girlfriend— in other words… he’s a tourist on a finding-his-peace trip.


read the full thing here!!

TLDR: Manny was born as Maria Chanthalangsy in Minnesota. Very quiet place. He realizes he’s not a girl at the young age of 5, but it takes until he’s 11 to convince his parents. He has a remarkably average life until he meets Kate Winters at 18. The two do everything together and are deeply in love, moreso on Manny's part.

However, for much of their relationship, Kate cheats on Manny, wanting more wealth and glamor. When Manny discovers this, she takes the condo they bought along with much of their valuables with her and kicks Manny out of their shared home.

Manny, with nothing else to do, uses his remaining money to finally be free of his boring life, traveling all over the world and seeing everything there is to see. He finally lands in California, where he meets Mako and some other new friends, and starts a new life all on his own, on his own accord.

more info

nationality american
ethnicity southeast asian

trope tacky tourist
d.e. skill electrochemistry
zodiac leo

playlist n/a

flora hibiscus
fauna seagull
feeling call-to-adventure

various trivia

  • His birthday is on World Photographer’s day. Levi gave me (lannie) the option to choose and so I went with that. I also think he’s just a summer-coded birthday haver.
  • Another note from lannie: he’s got those short asian genes JUST LIKE ME!!!!
  • He met Mako after the latter saved him from drowning (he went to a beach despite not knowing how to swim.) It was love at first sight for him… which honestly me too.
  • new places
  • tacky souvenirs
  • no restraints
  • seagulls
  • rain/snow
  • tsa/customs
  • dirty hotels
  • chlorine
  • fighting seagulls
  • scavenger hunts
  • hitchhiking
  • language learning
