From The Stars And Above



8 months, 24 days ago


From The Stars And Above is an iterator that belongs to Local Group Alpha. Due to being created in secret, his facility is located underground, well-hidden from the others. His creators took a rather radical turn and decided to creat him with the main purpose of bioengineering counterparts to existing creatures and later releasing them in the wild. However, despite being activated, he was left incomplete by his creators due to them losing motivation to keep on tracks and, later, to them submitting themselves to the mass ascension. With this, Stars was left alone in charge of the dozens of creatures that were kept inside his can, awaiting the moment of freedom. After some time, Stars met with a lost child of the brown lizards(a creature bioengineered by Stars), Comet, and decided to raise him as his child. He kept him well fed and taught him about most he knew, even managing to give him a mark of communication with some hard effort. However, once Comet grew up, the lizard decided to leave the can and explore the world outside, as it was eager to discover the amazing creatures(and iterators) it could find out there. WIth this, Stars was left alone again, and he was struggling to maintain himself in one piece. Shortly after, the child of a lampnid slugcat(another creature bioengineered by Stars) found it's way to Stars' chamber. He decided to give in the opportunity once again, despite the scar left by Comet's departure, since Stars did not want his "only friend" to leave, considering he never could communicate with external iterators. He named the slugcat Nova, and again decided to teach them some of his knowledge. However, this time, no matter how much he tried, he didn't manage to give him a mark of communication. This, in sum with Nova himself already struggling to learn due to his overall low attention span, made him grow up barely knowing about anything. One day, the slug got tired of seeing the creator in that state of his, and decided to go out, bringing with him a used pearl of his, with the mission of calling for help. The slug named himself "The Feral" after this, and Stars was left in ruin once again, even more this time. In a last resort to attempt to have someone to spend time with, Stars bioengineered a hybrid of a slugcat and a lantern mouse and raised it himself, teaching him nothing and letting only his instincts take care of it. Because of it, the creature never was that close to Stars, but stayed with him due to fear of the outside. This persisted until the near-collapse of Stars' can. Thankfully, he got rescued by a external iterator and managed to repair his can, but when he finally got access to leave it and see the world outside, everyone was dead. He then had to face an apocalyptic iterator whose desire was to turn the whole world into a echo realm, incredibly succeeding, but being left alone forever. Due to his own faulty systems, he could not go farther to other sectors, nor he could call for aid or help on improving his own puppet, as everyone was dead.

He then struggled the rest of his cycles thinking on a way to do it by himself.

But the cold winds were faster. He collapsed and was later found and ascended by Saint.