Bernadette Clair



5 months, 14 days ago



 Bernadette Clair 




 Cis woman 





 American (french descent) 

 St. louis, Missouri 


  • Reading
  • Art history
  • Trying new skills
  • Jokes

  • Studying subjects she has no interest in
  • Her personal schedule being interrupted
  • Food she doesn't trust
  • Being held back

  • Avid learner of skills in the arts!
  • Went to boarding school a bit later than normal but kept up good grades
  • Her favorite art hobby is ceramics!
  • She thinks doves are neat :)










  • Aspiring
  • Cheerful
  • Freethinking
  • Perceptive

  • Messy
  • Ditzy
  • Fanatical
  • Excitable

Bernadette the cat to call when a friend is in need! Armed the stubbornness of a mule she will not back down from learning something she's interested in out of the drive to learn (and maybe to prove to herself or her dad she's capable of great things) and she always tries too look for a bright side.

Despite her overall cheery and energetic demeanor she holds a hidden melancholy in her heart, from how her father not raising her (emotionally) right to her getting ostracized first day of boarding school by both peers and teachers, its a wonder to everyone how she keeps going. In truth she just refuses to let anyone see her truly upset or sad, opting to push her mood dropping feelings for the sake of others. (in her eyes)

Even with all her hidden baggage she does her best to open up these days to those she truly trusts and respects and once you have said respect you gain a loving and loyal friend for life.



Born around 1900 NY to her parents Auguste and Flora, she grew up with a mixed life, at first they were decent with money, till her father took a financial risk and lost, leading to her family having to downgrade homes while trying to recover. During which she met her new neighbor Mordecai, at first they didn't interact much but eventually they got more along and were on casual speaking terms, he even occasionally visited Bernadette to get a break from home since she respected his space (once she figured it out that is).


Eventually her father gave in despite his pride and let her aunt and uncle send money to send her off to boarding school so they had more room to recover. While she was excited to go off to learn, she was soon met with the wrath of horrid teachers and bratty peers, her solstice being her roommate and soon to be best friend Evelyn. During her schooling years she learned a number of things including violin, ballroom dance, ballet, and horse-riding, though due to an incident she also gained a bad relationship with food along with the fear of eating food others prepared.


As of now thanks to her extended family, she lives in an apartment with a mini studio included and does freelance ceramics, as other means for cash she helps her friend Evelyn with work as needed at her "uncles" hotel.


Eve  Best friend

Eve is bees best friend from boarding school! They met as roomates and after some warming up they became close friends and stayed close even after graduation, theye practically glued together in bond and wont hesitate to stick up for eachother, thouuugh they end up being confused for lesbians for that. She has a sibling bond with eve and is not prone to squabbles (in the lighthearted sense) and wont hesitate to speak her opinion if its for eves own good, but usually they never truely argue and practically share a brain most of the time!

Aguste Clair  Father

Bee's charismatic but (unintentionally) emotionally neglectful father, While he had good intentions he did not do a good job with parenting, leading to bee having a bittersweet relationship with him. While she still loves him, his attitude gave her a deep hidden anxieties to living up to his ideas of great and the need to excel at most skills she tries and then do better at it to prove to herself she can make her mark in the world like her father dreams of.

Flora Clair  Mother

Bee's sweet mother, shes closer to her than her father and growing up she went to her for comfort since Aguste had the naive idea all pain could be pushed through to help toughen up, they have a good relationship minus bee holding some sadness in her mother not doing more sooner, but even so shes a comfort to bee and helps lift her spirits when her granny isn't there to give advice.


  • Main colors shes associated with are greens, blues, and oranges!
  • Wears casual clothes usually but when in her studio shes in overalls
  • Fur pattern is calico!
  • Despite her messy hobbies she tries to keep herself well groomed

 OFFERS  Nope 


 SHIPS  Mordecai or Horatio (mabe virgil too :p) 

 ROLEPLAY  Only me (and like 1 fren)