


5 years, 11 months ago

Basic Info




115 years


Unknown, leans towards males


Lion (Demigod)


Chaotic Good

Relationship Status

Taken by Rigel



Character Status

Never for sale


24 GB / $12



- his eyes are a lavender color, and they lack pupils

- his markings are NOT symmetrical, and his white heart marking is only on his RIGHT SHOULDER, not his chest

- his scars are also not symmetrical, and the only scar on his face is his eye scar on his RIGHT eye

- he has a red star marking in the middle of his forehead, and a red crescent on both cheeks beneath his white mask

- he is only slightly larger than the largest normal lion, and most of his height is from his legs

- he is NOT skinny, just lean! please do not draw him as skinny or thick!

- his scars are NOT OPTIONAL, unless you are drawing him as a cub! (even then, he still had many scars as a cub)

- his mane is SHORT and CHOPPY, not long! he looks much more like a maned lioness than a lion

- his paw pads are the same color as his nose (dark gray)

and here's his ENTIRE PERSONALITY if anyone was interested lmao its pretty helpful for commissions in case you wanted to get a feel for what kind of expressions would fit him best:

Sheratan is incredibly meticulous, performing even the most mundane tasks with absolute precision, a feat which often lands him in trouble for taking too long to complete a job. A great deal of his perfectionist behavior stems from his father, as Aries raised his son to believe that anything less than perfection is failure. Coincidentally, Sheratan's father also happens to be the root of most of his other behaviors as well. The god’s influence is especially prominent in regards to Sheratan's habit of being loyal far beyond the point of fault. The instant someone shows even the slightest hint of kindness or affection towards him, Sheratan will remain glued to their side until death like an obedient servant, even if he doesn't appear to have any other reason for staying besides much-needed companionship. However, contrary to popular belief, paranoia drives his devotion far more than loneliness, as he is terrified of potential consequences should he dare step out of line or pose even the slightest threat towards the control of his superiors (with 'superiors' referring to everyone that isn't himself, of course). Irrational anxiety influences a vast majority of his behavior and his decisions, typically due to fear of punishment, but he will on occasion take charge and begin barking orders when his confidence is high if he feels as though things are not moving quickly or efficiently enough (these outbursts of dominance are of course immediately followed by a string of apologies). Due to his father's authority, he rarely has to struggle to grab the attention of others, and most are quick to follow his orders on the rare occasions he feels the need to provide them. However, Sheratan hates that others are so obedient towards him out of fear of his father. He believes respect should be earned, and he does not want others to see him as if he were his father instead of seeing him as an individual. He has spent his entire life trying to differentiate himself from Aries and not allow his father to rub off on him, so he almost always takes it personally when others follow his directions unquestionably and with their heads down. Rigel is one of the few demigods unafraid to challenge his authority, which perhaps may be one of the reasons why Sheratan is so attracted to him - Rigel sees him as a fellow demigod, not as his father's son.

and just in case that wasnt ENOUGH reading, here's a google doc with the rest of his info like his backstory or whatever (it's still not complete rip) so yeah i guess just go ham lmao