Nathaniel Lane Relone



5 years, 10 months ago



At the age of 12, Lane was well on his way to becoming a champion. At 15, he was the top men’s skater in the US. However, his world came crashing down when him and his twin sister were thrown in a hospital suddenly. He came to learn that said hospital wasn’t that at all, more like a torture house disguised as a medical facility. Him and his sister fought tooth and nail to escape, and once they did both of them were rattled. Lane turns to chemical help to feel like himself again- smoking cigarettes and snorting cocaine. At seventeen he’s bulimic and an addict. His shallow world is turned upside down once again later on, and in the best way. After encountering Red Durnavic, a fiery and cocky boy, Lane’s first instinct was to hate him. But time went on and that wasn’t really the case. 



PersonalityConceited and vain, but quirky and usually lighthearted.

Species: Human

Birthday: August 17

Zodiac: Leo

Occupation: Skater

Gender: Male

Voice: Higher pitched, feminine sounding. Valley girl and playful.

Likes: Athleticism, music, strawberries, and redheads

Dislikes: Stress, wearing short hair

Sexuality: Homosexual

Height: 5‘9”

Weight: 114 lbs

Strengths: Driven, hard working

Weaknesses: Shallow, jealous, emotional