

5 months, 1 day ago

Basic Info






El/Ell, that one hot guitarist from pink flounder

Voice Claim:

Hajime Hinata



Elliott is best known as the electric guitarist and 1/3 of the up-and-coming Splatsville band, PINK FLOUNDER. (Unbeknownst to him, he sort of also plays the role of the heartthrob of the band). So much so, that at this point, most people attend their concerts partly (or only) just for him. Somehow, he is sort of... oblivious to this? Well, when he plays, he tends to tune out the world around him. Maybe that's why he doesn't hear the rabid fans screaming his name. He doesn't just have fans, though; he probably has a few... more obsessive "stans". Or stalkers. Whatever you'd like to call them.

He dedicates a lot of his time to practicing his guitar skills, which he's great at. Outside of that, though, he'll participate in Anarchy Battles. The one he most frequents is Tower Control, and honestly, you probably won't see him in any other gamemode very much. He'll also play Turf Wars if he's looking for something more laid-back. He can usually be seen with a dinged-up Octobrush Nouveau which he's personalized with stickers of his own. Maybe he's just gifted with good handiwork, but he is GOOD at the Octobrush. Maybe too good... In Tower Control, he usually starts getting pretty competitive. He always ends up forgetting the actual goal just to run around mercilessly splatting others. Outside of Anarchy Battles, he'll also do Salmon Run sometimes. It gives him frequent nightmares, but he continues to do it. Who knows why? The pay isn't even that good.

As for his personality, Elliott is humble, quiet, and put-together; much more so than his fellow bandmates. He is frequently their voice of reason and settles their seemingly constant arguing. He also manages the money and profits the band makes, since he can't trust the other two with counting money correctly, let alone handling it. Some might go missing. Besides his aggressive and straight-up dangerous Tower Control playing, he's kind and gentle at heart and easy to get along with.

Fun Facts:

  • In addition to the Octobrush Nouveau, Elliott also has a Carbon Roller Deco sitting around somewhere. He doesn't use it much though, and only uses it for Turf Wars if anything. 
  • He is the main avatar I use in game.
  • He has very... active tentacles. They can be seen curling up and moving around like they have a mind of their own, especially the two front strands. If you're standing too close to him, they may even slither onto you, which will warrant a very panicked apology from him. The tentacles can also pick up and drop things on their own accord, annoying Elliott sometimes.
  • He pretends to be indifferent to all the Anarchy Battle modes (in general, he's indifferent to a lot of things). In reality, though, he HATES Clam Blitz. He won't even try to play it if it's in rotation, he'll just wait out the two hours.
  • The guitar he uses is actually one ingame, specifically a locker decoration. There's some stickers on it though that aren't on the one in game. 
  •  He really likes to put stickers on his personal belongings. Most are from Hotlandis (the band hangs out there occasionally) or Splatband-themed. 
  • His favorite Splatbands are H2Whoa and Yoko and the Gold Bazookas. The music he listens to, is, ironically, not very much like the music his own band plays. 
  • With having a lot of fans comes with having a lot of haters, too. Some people don't like Elliott much for the attention he gets, some may even hate his guts...