Random design |Moth fairy|'s Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Cannot be resold

Design Terms of Use

Archangelz Global Rules
🌟------ Arch's design TOS ------🌟

------🌟 TOS violation will be met with a block\blacklist, i do not publicly display my blacklist apart from selective few. I will disclose if ever needed, but my blacklist will stay only available for selective few to view.
I do not trade, sell, or allow use of any of my characters unless I explicitly state so.
Please do not resell or raffle away designs you obtained without payment (meaning raffle won, traded (art or characters), or freebies), you are allowed to, regift them, trade them, or resell if you purchased the design (No upselling) or return them to me if you have decided you do not want them.
If you win a raffle and do not like or want the design, please contact me about returning the design so that i can either raffle it away to someone else or keep it.
Please do not ask for ocs\designs i have not listed as ufo\ufs\uft\freebies. You can ask but it will always be no unless i state otherwise.
Please do not delete art from a character you have obtained from me, if you genuinely do not want specific art on the character anymore, please contact me and provide me with the images you do not want so i may archive them.
Do not copy\rip off, steal, or trace my characters or designs. I have no issue with inspiration being taken nor do i have an issue with color picking.
Please never use my characters in any, bigoted, discriminatory or hateful way (Homophobia, racism, sexism, ableism, zionism, ect.)
Please never use these characters for disgusting purposes such as, pedophilia, incest, pro-shipping, school sh00ter, kkk, and n*zi related things.
I have no issue with redesigns, story changes, ect, once you obtain the oc it is yours. However please do not claim art done by me for said character as your own, and be sure to follow my TOS.
I do NOT consent to my art being used in or for, AI\Generative AI, crypto, and NFTs.
Please note i have the right to decline any offer. I also do not prefer to give characters to relatively empty accounts.
Please do not give my designs, art, or creations to anyone that is on my blacklist\blocklist or otherwise stated to be blocked\blacklisted
I do not blacklist\block anyone unless a serious tos violation is made, such as racist caricatures\racist behavior, toxic behavior (harassment, bullying, doxxing, sexism, homophobia, ect), AI or NFT involvement, ban evading, scamming, or supporting or endorsing genuine problematic behavior such as zoophilia, proshipping, ect. I will not block anyone for fav spamming, or asking if a character is available, or if you add an oc of mine to a dreamie folder (ngl thats extremely flattering 😭)