


5 months, 5 days ago


Erz was born in Porshland into a family of six. He was the oldest and had two younger sisters and one brother. He was often used as an impromptu third parent for his siblings and often spent his time after school babysitting them or entertaining them until his parents got home. Since he needed to be back in the house so quickly right after school, he found himself in the house a lot, so he turned to the online world during middle school and got his first computer at 13. 

He eventually met Lux online while chatting on Masmanium's discord server. They hit it off, continuously played games, and joined Maz for a quick post-stream session whenever the occasion arose. This worked mainly because Erz didn't realize who Lux was, so the fact that he was a pigmented individual was never relevant and did not affect their friendship.

But Erz's closest friend was Harlo. He met him in middle school, and the two of them would constantly be a problem in classes. Every teacher that had them moved them to opposite sides of the room so they couldn't cause any more trouble. They hung out all the time, and as Erz got older he started going over to Harlo's house more often to escape the pig pile of siblings back home. During junior year, Erz finally talked to Lux in person, and after understanding Lux's struggles, they started hanging out in real life instead of just behind the screen. And thus, his friend group was born. 

Following high school, Erz started talking with this girl he met at the market he worked at. Her name was Delta, and she was a lovely grey raccoon from the next city over. They clicked immediately, and sure enough, after a few months, they were a pair. They moved into an apartment together after Erz landed a nice job, and they've been living together ever since.