🩹🎀mao (🐬 drawing notes/boundaries)



drawing boundaries

do not draw nsfw art of mao. i will blacklist + block you if you do
blood is ok since she's a nurse but not a lot of blood, can only be a tiny bit
no gore art
nothing suggestive
do not draw her in revealing outfits!
do not draw any ship art with her in it
do not draw anything hateful with her (problematic symbols and such)
do not draw vent-type art with her
77445532_Hirad2eVb79LvZl.pngdrawing notes

mao's hair is very long! her hair goes all the way down to her feet, so please make sure to draw it that way

her hair is very fluffy so make sure its on the spiky fluffy side and doesn't look super flat

fugu (her pufferfish friend) is optional but i do prefer him to be drawn with her! he doesn't have to be on her head, she can be holding him or he can be swimming around her

mao is a younger character so please do make sure not to draw her looking super mature, use round face features!!

blue hairclips are optional, heart hairclip is not!

she can be drawn kinda skinny and lanky but make sure not to make her look too tall! shes very short

her crossbody bag is a first aid kit

the teal things attached to her hair are seaweed!

horns are coral + tail has coral growing out of it