[ 👁️ ] Gletri ✨



5 months, 28 days ago



Name Gletri
Age Adult
Gender Demiboy
Pronouns He/They
Resides Outskirts of the
Lands of the Old Faith

Species Lamb
Height Average
Build Hourglass shape,

Hair Fluffy, long
yellow wool

Eyes Vibrant yellow irises
with white sclera

Sexuality Bisexual
Occupation Dealmaker
Trait Immortal
Trait Belief in Sacrifice



A former dsiciple of Bishop Heket, Gletri was once a well-respected member of her cabinet. He was smart, and quick to learn the secrets of anyone that he met. He was behind quite a few heretic executions with his inside knowledge. Gletri's rank was second only to any spouses his Bishop had, and for his usefulness, he had been given a golden skull necklace.

When the call of the extermination of lambkind was spoken, eyes turned to Gletri. Disciple turned heretic overnight, he managed to escape through areas little-known to the commoners. As time would pass, he knew he was a prime target. His necklace was recognizable. During a period of hiding, he found a few materials to carve his necklace-skulls into triangular charms, noticing it'd keep its power regardless.

Hiding wasn't easy, but as time passed, the numbers of his kind had fallen. Gletri had learned how to make deals with others. He would trade something he could do for one for them to keep him safe and alive. This tactic had saved him multiple times. One night, he hadn't been able to find a particularly safe place. Entering a cave, he found a place in the shadows to rest.

The next morning, Gletri awoke to noticing a glow in the darkness. A set of three glowing eyes. As the person got closer, Gletri realized that it was another lamb. They had a crown that resembled that being that Bishop Heket would sometimes talk to. The two began to talk and eventually decided to stick together.

Aether and Gletri formed a sort of friendship. The two use one another, but they also know they can rely on each other's will to get things done. Their relationship wasn't platonic or romantic, but it eventually had aspects of such.


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