Closed's Comments

Can I be reminded/pinged when these open up again?


Hello!! Are these still open? 

I'm currently pausing them for about a couple of days while I catch up on them :] I can let you know when there open again though! 

if you can then that'd be great!!

could I snag one of Argo? ><

Of course! Would u be okay with a small wait though?? id say only around 2-3 untill yours would be complete bc I have a few I'm working on atm! 

that’s not a problem at all ^_^ ! I appreciate the heads up !! take your time! 

Awesome! Would u like to pay the first half now? <3

sure I could do that ^^ do you prefer PayPal or CashApp?

I prefer cashapp :] 

My link is here:$Onzie3

1 Replies

Yeah! If you just wouldn't mind sending the first half of the payment! Would it be paypal or cashapp? <33

yeah! sorry for late reply, ill be able to send tmr!!

just got to cash my check because of snow, im able to send now! whats ur cashapp :3!!$Onzie3

Is my cashapp! Though the wait may be just a bit longer because I recently got covid and I'm still a Lil under the weather!  :,3

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Yeah! U can send the first half of the payment here <3

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Got it :] I'll start on yours shorty! <3

Sorry for the slight longer of a wait but u can check out the watermarked version here! <33 

And the other half of the payment if ud like the unwatermarked version :3

How much is for 4 slots? 👀

Even though id say 40... I'd do 4 For about 20$ <3

Awesome! Would it be cashapp or paypal? andd If you wouldn't mind could u pay 10 now? And the rest once all are finished, this is just to let me know when to start/prevent scam <3

Yeah of course! Cashapp$Onzie3

Here's the link <3

Or just search my tag witch is Onzie3, should have a cat pfp! :33

10 Replies