Judas Astarot



5 years, 11 months ago

Basic Info


Judas Astarot










Modest dragon




Prideful, Patient, Level-Headed, Somewhat overconfident,


Power, Quick results, Leading, People-watching, Reading (History, The color Blue, Stargazing


Nonbelievers, Banded creatures, Churches and Cathedrals, The color Yellow/Gold, Mornings, Warm wearher


Pending/Leader of the Cult of the Blue Flame

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The doctor said that he was born cursed after they delivered him from his mothers womb.

Judas might as well be inclined to believe that too. He wasn't bad looking or anything, having been born a healthy baby dragon boy, but it was the colors he was born with, blue hair, eyes, and blue bands on his ears and neck. On Tero, it is widely believed that Blue, especially the darker navy blue, is an unlucky color. As a result of this, Judas was shunned by most everyone, even his own father, a proud dragon who's beliefs lie within The Church.
That's how he got his name, Judas, because it was believed strongly by his father that he would one day betray his family. At least his mother loved him in his youth, her maternal instincts helping her look past her son’s cursed image and see what was truly important, the young man she wanted him to be. Years would pass, and with them came disrespect and ridicule from the rest of the neighborhood. How dare they bring a cursed child into this wealthy community, they wanted Judas gone, he was just an omen in their eyes.

They even went as far as to ganging up on the poor boy when he was no more than 12 years of age.

They had surrounded him, backed him right into the corner while shouting threats and insults at the poor boy, eventually one of them tried to strike the boy with a heavy stick, and if it hadn't been for his mother choosing to intervene with this conflict he could have been in a very different place right now. For those boys struck the poor mother out cold with the hefty swing of that branch, it didn't seem like she was going to get back up after a blow like that. Out of shock, fear, and anger Judas ended up retaliating against what his attackers had done to his mother and he burned them with the magic of blue fire.

If it weren’t for the fact that his parents had loved each other so dearly, he would have most likely been kicked out of the house right then and there. He and his father somehow bonded over their grief, though a shaky and brittle bond it would be, the boy would only be allowed under this roof until the age of 18. Once he was legally an adult he was approached with an ultimatum, one year for him to get a job and find a new home.