


5 months, 24 days ago

Basic Info


Buttercup Mayberry




168 cm



Gender Identity

Cis Woman




Magical (Fairy)

Voice Claim

Kate Micucci (still pondering)


It's Buttercup time babyyyyyyyyyy. She's no human she's a fairyyyyyyyy and also probably the most normal person in this storyyyyyyyy

As you can see on her character sheet, Buttercup (also known as Butters) is a kind and unlucky girl who aspires to become a famous actress. She's currently in highschool and a member of her school's theater club, all while ocassionally being bullied by a group of mean girls™. And she might be a liiiiiiittle boy crazy (this is comphet).

Buttercup was born on a regular-ass date and was raised by her mom and dad until they divorced when she was a child. Nowadays she only lives with her mildly embarassing mom and hasn't heard from her father in years.

What Butters doesn't know is that, due to very specific circumstances, she is now one of the three (3) magicals randomly chosen to guide 3 humans into what is known as the Magical World™. She kinda had other places to be but idk now she's stuck with five other weirdos.

As a magical, she has enhanced physical strength and is also I dunno a fairy. Some of her abilities as a fairy include: 

* The ability to shrink into her fairy form™, which makes her more agile and able to fly (normally she's the size of a human and is unable to fly while in this form) 

* Veeeeery mild chlorokinesis 

* Talking to any animal, which also includes Beasts™

However, Buttercup is actually not very good at being a fairy. Her clumsiness and bad luck tend to get in the way of her usual fairy duties™ ykwim. And now she has to deal with 3 dumbass humans and 2 weird-ass magicals.

Random Buttercup Trivia

* Idk if she's neurodivergent or not, but she IS all over the place.

* She enjoys meeting new people and especially those who are lonely, since she's been there before. This is how she ended up trying to befriend Loocee.

* If she was a regular human girl i think she'd kinda like k-pop and boybands and stuff like that. 

* She doesn't like talking about her father and her childhood.

* She is gay and doesn't know it.

* Buttercup (and fairies in general) can instictively shrink into their fairy forms if they feel endangered as a survival mechanism.

* The reason why she and all fairies can even use their powers at all is because of a special fairy dust which can only be used by them.

* She smells like Butter(cups)

* If Buttercup somehow wasn't able to pursue her dreams she would accept it pretty easily. She doesn't really believe in herself that much tbh.

* She is Ezraran's favorite target for pranks. He's kind of an annoying younger sibling to her.