Magia Sushina



5 years, 10 months ago


"I always felt that Love wasn't worth all the pain and struggle couples go through to keep it alive...But that was until I met Him.." 

- Magia

Basic information

Name: Magia Sushina

Alias: Maggie / Mags

Age: 25

Race: Eldritch Majin

Gender: Female

Height: 6,6

Occupation: Dance instructor / Magic teacher / Part-time Time patroller

Personality: Blunt and honest / serious / patient and understanding / sarcastic

Sexuality: Demisexual / Aromantic

Likes:  Lollipops and sweets / dancing / roller-skating / spending time with family / cheesy love-stories / the occult / thigh highs

Dislikes:  Her mother / being judged based on her clothing and looks / being helpless / dragon balls being taken for granted / needles / people saying she's just like her mother



  • Magia has 2 older sisters, 1 older brother, a twin brother and a baby sister. She also a aunt and has a lot of nieces and nephews.
  • Her twins name is Voo.
  • Has a motorcycle and is a pretty good mechanic.
  • Kana was her first friend besides Jaycee.
  • She can possess others and has an Eldritch form.




As a child, Magic lived with her siblings with their mother Nei, a women who wasn't in control of her own actions, thoughts or emotions. Someone who was neglectful towards her and her siblings, only ever knowing her "real" mother during times where she was drunk in her bathtub, crying to herself as she begged and pleaded for any kind of help or forgiveness. During these times her eldest sister would try to usher her away as she could hear her mother from down the halls of the ship, still haunting her.

Her feelings on her mother in general are mixed and confusing. On one hand she was a monster who killed one of her half siblings parents while the other two left them. and generally only cared for them as infants, otherwise leaving them to fend for themselves. Yet on the other hand, she remembered her as a different person, a woman who looked human with pink hair and the kindest green eyes, a woman she'd met before, yet misses the memory of.

When Midori, her baby sister was born, was when she decided to finally leave. Voo, her twin brother leaving days ago with their big sister Wanda as soon as she was old enough, so she felt safe enough to leave with only her baby sister while her other two siblings were already planning their way out.

Soon, she would crash land on earth, thankfully unharmed with her and Midori. Soon being found 3 days later by Jaycee on her father, they welcomed them with open arms.

Yet because of her fathers connections with Blue Azaela Labs, once she was found out, the humans begun testing on her in an attempt to fight back at any other future alien invasions after what they faced before in the past.

This would only last a month but would have lasting effects on Jaycee's family. With her dad loosing both his arms and nearly dying. Nonetheless, they still accepted the young girl in their family with love and care.

After she finished online high-school, Jaycee and Magia both enrolled in the Time Patrol, soon befriending Kana and Ikari, and soon after, Mari

During the Demigra incident, her and Jaycee were scouting for survivors and battling off demons who got in because of Demigra. Making them both unaware of what happened to Mari during this incident. Yet all they knew that after this all, was how hard it affected Mari and Kana, making them closer with each other, but causing Mari to have night terrors, in which Magia will help calm her down from.

After Kana's death and Ikari's betrayal, Magia got a bit more distant and cold, losing the first two friends she'd ever had took a toll on her, but after seeing how badly it was affecting Mari mentally especially, she'd decided to put her own emotions aside to help her friend before she destroyed herself.




Current day, Magia has gotten back into contact with her siblings as she'd open her own dance studio in Conton, wanting to work more on herself and focus on the better aspects of life instead of the negative. Team Novazone, Lutte and her baby sister are held dear in her heart, and if anything were to happen to them, she fears she may become like her 'mother'.

Later on learning more in depth about the truth of her own past.

