


8 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info


23 (~21+? during Filante's story)


Cis Male (he/him)






Clock repairman

Home world


Significant Other



Coel was a shy child who was hesitant to do anything without being pushed. He was more of the timid kind and often mistaken for a coward, but even then he was able to steel himself and force himself to go through with things if it's truly important to him. As he grows older, he becomes more outgoing and assertive, though he retains his compassionate and and reserved nature. Coel takes a high interest in others' affairs and always feels compelled to help them, the only exception being when he is stuck with the Octant and is too depressed to take much interest in most of the other members. He enjoys seeing people happy and tends to be self-sacrificing.

Coel's left eye is paler than the other and is more susceptible to UV rays, meaning it is sensitive to light. As a kid, he wears an "eyepatch" made from a band and a broken goggle fragment in order to compensate. When he gets older, this is replaced with a normal pair of goggles.

Coel is originally from the island tier in Rilet's world. He and Rilet were close childhood friends, with Rilet often dragging Coel adventuring, along with the occasional Oliver and Hazel. As Coel's parents were absent, he spent most of his time with his friends. One day, he falls into a dimensional hole in the forest when he goes to retrieve a bow he left there the previous day. He falls into Yunus and meets Lazaro, who also came from a different world. Lazaro becomes a mentor to him and teaches him how to wield revolvers, as bows are outdated in Yunus. Lazaro eventually dies protecting Coel, and Coel ends up joining Sigma's Octant in order to exterminate the lodehawks that had invaded Yunus. After their quest is done with, the Octant forms a government over Yunus. Coel becomes uncomfortable with his position and his association with the Octant; he's filled with regret and a lack of interest in the Octant's goals. Sigma orders Upsilon to rough Coel up, and Upsilon removes Coel's good eye. Sigma then locks him up in a false dimension that resembles a clock shop.
Coel spends an indeterminate amount of time in the Clock Shop, as his biological clock has stopped and the time that flows in the dimension is distorted. The Clock Shop is dreary and dark, but Coel often gets visitors from different times and dimensions that ask for his help. He does what he can, and gradually accumulates further knowledge about how dimensions work and his own predicament. At one point, Rilet found a hole into the Clock Shop and was able to meet him for a very short amount of time.
Much later, Filante is able to free Coel by erasing the existence of the dimension, but this also meant Coel disappeared from existence.
Later still, Coel is brought back into existence by a link from Rilet in Meade and Myrr's dimension, and the two are finally reunited. They return to the island after years of separation.
Coel sees Hazel and Oliver again, and meets others who Rilet befriended over the years through her own adventures. Rilet and Coel become a couple who care deeply for each other, defending one another if they feel the need. They balance out each other's personalities, with Rilet being the more reckless and spontaneous one, and Coel being the more responsible and careful one. Despite their contrast, they like to do things together and sometimes sync up with one another, making Coel seem more impulsive or Rilet seem more reserved.

Coel has an avid interest in clocks and mechanical things. He repairs, takes apart, and puts back together such objects as a hobby. He's fond of birds.