


5 years, 10 months ago


Species: Dialga

Pronouns: they/them

Occupation: time-warping immortal, manager and agent for a band of goobers

Physical Description 

  • Tall and generally imposing
    • Definitely taller than Cam
  • Usually wearing suits, though said suits are usually more exciting than you'd expect
    • Pinstripes are their favorite
  • Keeps their hair and general appearance neatly trimmed and professional
  • Has an excellent mustache, though they're annoyed when people decide the stache's presence means they should use he/him pronouns for Roscoe
  • Generally has a serious, glaring look about them at all times
  • Carries a sparkly handkerchief so they don't look too serious


  • Hasty by nature
  • No-nonsense when it comes to business matters, though they do have a sense of humor (which their band loves to exploit)
  • Very proper, stickler for etiquette (whenever people aren't onstage playing their wild band personas of course)
  • Happy to talk and give advice when it's requested, but doesn't start telling people how they should be handling their problems when it's not wanted
  • Soft-spoken, experienced, sophisticated
  • Strong-willed, won't back down from something easily


  • Sweets, especially cookies
    • Their greatest weaknesses are shortbread and Lotus Biscoff cookies, though they might kill for a Thin Mint
  • Local fairs and festivals
  • Formal-cut clothing made from wild fabrics
  • Trimming their facial hair into the ultimate badass 'stache
    • They waffle between walrus and horseshoe on their quest for their favorite style, though they've been known to go for the gunslinger look more than once


  • Stuffy formal events
    • There's a reason they prefer to hang out with a bunch of rowdy band goobers
  • Scuffs on their nice shoes
  • Ironing
    • It's just the worst, but it must be done
  • When they find the perfect tie but it's too short or some bullshit

Personal Info 

  • Married to Cam
  • Voted Most Likely to Sit in a Velvet Armchair Wearing a Robe, Smoking a Pipe, and Resting Their Feet on a Bear Rug by a Fire
  • Tells great stories when they can be prodded into talking about themselves
  • Pretty masculine in appearance and mannerisms, but doesn't consider themselves male
  • Smells faintly of vanilla
  • Can control time.  That's just a thing they can do.  Dialga, remember?
    • They have a diamond-encrusted pocketwatch that seems to have something to do with it

Date of Creation / Adoption: February 24, 2009

Other Notes: Based on the first Legendary Pokémon I ever caught!  With the Master Ball, of course.