examples of my writing?!?!



5 months, 12 days ago


** i barely have anything warriors related :(


As Snowthrasher lay drowsy, gazing up at the star-speckled night sky, she felt a faint whisper in her mind. Suddenly, she found herself engulfed in a spectral vision that took her breath away. A serene mist enshrouded her, with glittery star-dappled sparks accompanying her feeling of tranquility. The grass beneath her seemed subtly azure-tinted, while the sky above was a fantasia of different hues, each one more enchanting than the last. It was a moment of pure magic, and Snowthrasher was spellbound by the beauty of it all.
Awe-struck, Snowthrasher gazed upon the ethereal stars hovering before her; its shimmering form illuminated by a million pinpricks of light that shone down from above. Mesmerized, she could feel its energy radiating outward and permeating every fiber of her being. "Whoa," she whispered, her breath catching in her throat as her gaze settled on the mysterious entities before her. She'd never seen anything like it; a strange blend of beauty and power, drawing her closer. "What is this?"
She stepped cautiously towards the strange light, its strange beauty and power seeming to beckon her forward. Yet something about its eerie aura made her hesitate; she felt a kind of dread settle over her, yet also an undeniable sense of awe.  
"Ain't no way this is natural," she suddenly said to herself, her voice filled with anxiety. Suddenly, from the misty depths of the mysterious scene, a ghostly figure emerged.
"Oh, but it is," the figure intoned, its voice smooth like silk. "Welcome to StarClan."
"S-StarClan? Was I murdered during my sleep?" She asked softly.
"No," it said, its voice as calming and casualas if they were speaking to an old friend. "I am here to tell you that you are not alone in this life. You have been chosen by StarClan to help protect and lead others, just like yourself."
"I-," was all that Snowthrasher could make out.
"I know you might feel scared and overwhelmed, but don't be afraid. StarClan have seen your courage, determination and sagacity and believe in the great potential that lies within you," the figure spoke eerily, his unworldly eyes staring into hers. "Now, Snowthrasher. This is a daunting task that will not come without its challenges, but if you continue to strive for strength, nothing can stand in your way. You are a she-cat of extraordinary leadership, capable of passing any obstacle. Let me help you along this journey so you can shine like the star I know you can be,"he continued, respectfully dipping his head.
"I've been in this game for a long time, Snowthrasher. I've seen countless successes and failures; some of them meteoric, others humdrum. But that doesn't matter - what matters is the effort you put into it. Put your nose to the grindstone and push yourself beyond your comfort zone. When things seem daunting, use creative strategies to find new pathways. Trust me when I say this: there's nothing more fulfilling than accomplishing something remarkable with sheer audacity and fortitude. This is your prophecy, Snowthrasher," he spoke.
"I've heard of prophecies before, but never thought one would involve me! What am I supposed to do? It seems so impossible," Snowthrasher murmured, worry creasing her kitty-brows. She couldn't comprehend how such a grandiose task could fall on someone like her.
"I'm just an ordinary cat--how can I possibly make any difference?"
"You have been given an extraordinary ability - one that no other cat possesses. The power to see into the future. With this, you can help prevent disasters from happening and ensure that justice is done. You just need to take a leap of faith and trust in yourself." He explained.
Snowthrasher felt her heart soar as she took his words to heart. She was no longer alone in this daunting quest; she had someone who believed in her and gave her strength. Suddenly, a surge of courage filled her with optimism for the future.
"I won't let anyone down," she vowed solemnly.
"Excellent. Now, if you desire a conversation with StarClan, just ask for it - but only in the dark of night." He began again, twitching his whiskers with wisdom. "Mentioning which cats or group you wish to visit is also key; otherwise, you'll receive a chance encounter with a random StarClan cat who may not be able to provide much hellp."
"I understand," she replied, feeling a sense of trepidation as she glanced around the moonlit clearing.
"Farewell," he whispered. 


The sun illuminated the terrain below Rotem's feet, prompting him to elevate his front leg and take in a breath of fresh air. Beside him stood an extraordinary dragon boasting deep-hued orange scales and majestic coral wings. Its eyes sparkled like the sunshine and its horns were nearly as long as those of a colossal mammoth. This magnificent creature was named Argyss. To the right of him stood Elzryss, whose light grey skin gleamed brightly, further enhanced by its tremendous wings extending all the way to the ground; her eyes seemingly possessed their own universe, ranging from a deep ocean blue to glorious green and yellow speckles combined, making this dragon one of the most beautiful amongst all in the Fiery Lands.
Rotem, being from Fiery World and accompanied by his two royal friends Elzryss and Argyss, experienced an environment in which a plethora of diverse dragons all cared equally for them. Despite coming from differing nations such as Neutral Zone, Colds, and Rotem's homeland, they all managed to coexist with one another. The Fiery World, a place of immense draconic significance due to the looming volcanic presence as close as twenty dragon's tails away, was where all of the Dragons' assemblies were held. Suddenly, as Rotem perused the thronging multitude, he caught sight of his fathers Ilzra and Bursym standing on the orating balcony - a mere platform atop the steep sides of the volcano used for delivering important speeches. "Greetings, dragons," Ilzra intoned gravely, his piercing emerald gaze locked on Rotem. "I've summoned you here today to inform you of the dire situation occurring in the Neuts - an event that could greatly impinge upon everybody's existence." The older dragon shifted uneasily.
"Truly, Ilzra," Bursym began as he eyed the crowd of dragons. "It is no secret that most of our provisions, sustenance and security come from the Neutrals, however, we mustn't forget that our foundation was laid by terran inhabitants. It's no surprise really; humans have a tendency to be rather... ignorant when it comes to otherworldly creatures. Somehow, they've yet to encroach on either the Fires or the Colds - possibly due to the weather." Rotem's mind raced as he tried to process the unbelievable news - humans in Utoria! Even though he was the offspring of two rulers, this revelation had completely taken him by surprise. But Rotem knew that something had to be done immediately to prevent any further disruption from these unexpected visitors. He steeled himself with a deep breath and opened his eyes again, determined to formulate an effective plan of action.
Rotem suddenly found himself taken aback when a light gray female dragon abruptly appeared, alighting on the balcony with her aqua-blue eyes twinkling. His expansive wings flared up and he emitted a gruff hiss in reaction, but this gave way to relief upon recognizing her face. Rotem studied her intently, desperately trying to recollect who she was - yet all that came to mind was a vague sensation of familiarity. "Greetings, I'm Zorlena - a native of Sargross, recently attacked and taken over by human colonization,," the stranger declared despondently, her wings falling in defeat as she spoke.
"Greetings, Zorlena! As you all can see, she's here to lend us a hand in this ordeal. She has firsthand experience when it comes to dealing with the human race - their cunning machinations won't faze her. She'll be taking Isol's place for the time being, who has now gone off on a sabbatical in another realm," Bursym said cordially, bowing his head as he welcomed her.
Ilzra flapped his wings to signal the end of the meeting, and Rotem slowly rose to his feet, scanning the faces of those in attendance for any final remarks. Ilzra's gaze lingered for a moment before he announced with a hint of emotion in his voice: "Unless anyone has anything else to add, I believe we're done here."

“Let's go to the Great Pines,” Elzryss uttered in a hushed tone, her pupils glittering. Without any further hesitation, Argyss sprang up and towered himself off the ground with a swift flutter of his wings. Not long after, Rotem and Elzyss soared straight away behind him, quickly spreading their powerful wings.
In a matter of moments, they arrived at their destination - Rotem had been there only once before and was astounded by the devastation; the flames had devoured most of the pines, leaving nothing but cinders and pebbles in its wake. Elzryss cast an abashed glance at both Rotem and Argyss as they surveyed the ruinous scene with dismay.
"It's hopeless," Argyss declared, his voice tinged with despair. "I don't see how we can do anything here - We're done for."
"We can't just give up!" Rotem exclaimed, his tail swishing in frustration. He was at a loss for what to do; even Elzryss seemed befuddled, her head slightly askew and claws digging into the ground. Rotem heaved a deep sigh, searching desperately for an answer. He refused to let Utoria's fate lie with humans, as did all its inhabitants.
"Nope," Elzryss declared confidently, raising her metallic-looking head above the rest. Argyss gawked at her with disbelieving eyes.
"No way could we compete against them - they're far more advanced than us in all facets!" He fluttered the frayed edges of his wings ever so slightly to emphasize his point.
"I'm sure the raids won't be as bad as we fear," Rotem proclaimed optimistically, carving patterns into the ground with his most pointed claw. Elzryss gazed upon him fondly, her sapphire orbs glimmering.