Samnang "Carmine" "Cam" Fost



5 months, 22 days ago


A fun loving, fun having party girl in her early 40s. Cam learned early on that life is hard, so you have to take fun where you can get it. Cams from a large family in a small town. Understanding there was no real future for her in her home, Cam decided to seek her fortune in the big city. While some would find moving somewhere new without any money or connections daunting, Cam finds her footing quickly, making friends with pretty much anyone she meets. She never forgets a face, is a sponge for gossip, and is happy to do favours for others provided they return them in the future.  Cam's main occupation is that of a dealer: she is a purveyor of all manner of illegal substances and experiences. Her jobs, unfortunately, require a certain degree of involvement with the criminal underground. Due to this, she often finds herself swept up in shady matters. She knows well enough to not ask too many questions, and to not say much in general. Despite this unofficial pledge of silence, Cam finds herself de-escalating situations quite often, and refers to herself as a human therapy dog, calming down tempers with self-deprecating jokes and good quality weed.  Her affability hides a streak of viciousness that Cam keeps locked up tight. Anger and resentment get you nowhere in life, especially when you rely on the kindness of strangers in order to get by.