[2.] Haze & Mellow



5 months, 1 day ago

Basic Info


Haze (Dry Bones) & Mellow (Cloud Friend)




Male (Haze) & It/Its (Mellow)


Dry Bones/Parabones & Cloud


January 1st


Age: not determined, but is a minor

Gender/pronouns: He/Him (Haze) It/Its (Mellow)

Species: Parabones and Cloud (Mellow)

family: No known family, considers those at Bowsers castle his family.

Friends: Woozy

Haze is a very sleepy and lazy parabones, and can be a huge procrastinator. He does not like to do much but when he does, he doesn't exactly put the most effort into it. He loves taking naps, just like his friend Woozy! Haze is very friendly and usually very calming and relaxing to be around. He really enjoys talking about his dreams! He sleeps so much in fact, that he sometimes has no idea if he is asleep or awake sometimes and if everything is all just a dream. Haze loves stargazing and journaling, it's the only thing he really puts effort into. Haze has a little cloud companion called Mellow that isn't usually a huge fan of how lazy Haze can be. It floats him around despite the fact Haze could just fly just fine on his own but is too lazy to do so. If something isn't bothering Haze personally, he just does not bother to handle it at all. He also really loves to tell jokes! But they're never really that funny...Woozy still laughs at them though and that makes Haze feel good!

Haze has a hard time remembering his past. as a Koopa, he was promised that all his wishes would come true if he just followed simple directions from a mysterious being in a nearby forest to Bowsers castle. Of course, as gullible as Haze can be, he found himself doing the tasks that eventually lead him to a fountain that took his life, just to bring him back as a very sleepy parabones. Confused, he had no idea why he felt so tired until he looked into the fountains reflection and saw how different he looked. He was afraid at first but became too tired to be bothered. He noticed his shell was shimmering like the night sky, the stars in his shell appearing to never stop their shimmering movement. He found it relaxing. Just as relaxing as the little clouds on his wrists and ankles that never seemed to stop flowing as well. His wings were softer, and he felt safer after a while, but also could not shake that always sleepy feeling. He also found himself with a little cloud companion that would stick with him and watch over him for the rest of his now immortal life as a parabones. Though always being sleepy and sporting casual pajama attire, he also wears cozy hoodies and slippers! His hat is almost always part of his outfit, however. His little cloud friend, Mellow, can show its emotions easily. When upset, it pours down rain from its cloud body and when its scared, it tends to become a little transparent! Haze also really loves using his soft wings as blankets, he will also wrap them around others if he thinks they could use the comfort.


  • He really loves drinking warm milk

  • He very rarely has small bursts of energy, but sleeps way longer than he usually does after these bursts of energy

  • He has not been back to the forest or fountain that turned him into a sleepy parabones.

  • Due to how sleepy he is, he doesn't have very many duties around the castle. However, if someone notices his bursts of energy, they will usually ask him to help out with tasks while the energy lasts.

  • When he has Woozy over for sleepovers, they pretty much do just sleep the entire time. They usually dont even remember what they talk about, but they just know they're close friends.

  • Haze sometimes uses Mellow as a bed.

Voice Claim: TBD

Song: TBD