Rasa (Tabula-Rasa (Blind JRPG))



6 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info


Really old






Archangel, User Interface




Where do we begin?

Once upon a time, Tabula-rasa was created by the Gods to serve adventurers in their quests. He helped them fight. He helped them save. If they needed to check their stats, they counted on him. They needed to figure out where they were? You got it. However, eventually adventurers started to complain that he was too outdated and a hassle to use. He simply wasn’t up to their standards anymore. He got booted and his new and sleeker replacement came to kill him. He died a gruesome death.
Then one day, a bold independent necromancer decided to revive him as an artistic statement, believing that they were making a revolutionary move that could rock the world of art. Upon reviving him however, they slowly came to realize how utterly annoying he was and drove him out of their hut.

Rasa is very, very, very irritating and clingy, and cheerful to a fault. He does "his best" for whoever he's currently serving, but often ends up being a hindrance instead, resulting in him making hero's journeys more difficult than they need be. He's very temperamental, easily excited, and easily made miserable.
For better or for worse, he never forgets anything. Anything.

The book on his head is used to show facial expressions (the pages constantly flip to different ones and they are very inconsistent; some pages he has huge sparkly eyes and others he has large brows, etc).
He's also constantly covered in dust because of the general lack of desire to utilise him, and no matter what he does he can’t wipe or wash it off. This bothers him to no end. He speaks in both digital text for automated statements and flowery script for everything else.
He has a familiar that is essentially a sentient quill pen that does all the writing for him; it’s constantly writing and updating info. 

He loves praise. He lives off of it. It also seems that he has secret, deep, dark, fantasies, like being stepped on by Eirlys. He hates to be left behind or to make others mad. He's weak to fire.