Định "Night Shift"



4 months, 26 days ago


They/Them • Posthumous


-Deceased partner of Starfall, and knew her as Lapis, or "Moving Target"/MT. Coalition codename was Night Shift

-Met Lapis as part of a 'buddy system' enacted by their branch of the Global Occult Coalition, becoming her main source of communication and reports. Think of the "tech guy/dude with gun" trope, and you'll have a rough idea of what their work role was like. When Lapis was in the field, Định would feed her information, updates, basically anything crucial to know that she couldn't get from other members in person

-Over time, they grew closer and developed a romantic relationship, something they kept under wraps while on Coalition duties. Any flirting was easily explained away by Night being naturally mischievous, and fond of teasing all their friends in similar ways. But Lapis was always the one that had their heart

-They were the polar opposite of Lapis: where she was introverted and calm, Định was outgoing and rarely serious. They drew out her playful side, and she in return had coaxed their introspective side out into the open. Night considered MT their true other half, and loved her dearly. She worried them too, with her tendency to attract danger and jump into the fray without thinking of risk, something the two never found a common ground on

-Định's death comes at the hands of an electronic anomaly, a tech-hopping entity that stole the minds and souls of its victims while leaving behind the empty shell to go berserk. They are taken over while on active duty, and it is only their quick reaction (immediately cutting communication) that saves Lapis' life. Their body is shot and killed, but they live on in a tortured existence within the entity that ripped them away

-Years later, they are freed from their suffering by Lapis, now codename Starfall, after she finds a way to kill the entity for good. Night speaks with her for a final time in the darkness of her unconscious mind, offering what closure they can before finally being able to pass on