


5 months, 9 days ago


androgynous ( they / them )
pokemon trainer / student

an exchange student in paldea's uva academy! originally from unova, studying at blueberry academy before moving. a sort of upbeat ambivert— loves their pokemon and friends!

yuriel and kieran

yuriel and kieran first met in blueberry academy, sharing the same homeroom classroom. they didn't really talk much at first, nor interacted with one another, but that all changed after being paired up on a project regarding exploring the terarium.

they started hanging out regularly after this, doing various amount of activities. forming a really close bond with eachother, they sort of... grew feelings for one another. however, they were sort of oblivious with their feelings for eachother despite all the signs.

things turned to the worst, when yuriel unexpectedly moved to paldea, becoming an exchange student in uva academy. not confessing to one another before yuriel's leave, they left in very awkward terms. their relationship went very distant, as kieran didn't own a rotom phone to keep contact with one another.

it wasn't until juliana and florian brought yuriel with them on the blueberry academy exchange program (which they suprisingly convinced the directors on) that they met kieran again. it was shocking, especially with the drastic change in personality and apperance. making things very awkward, but feelings were still there.

while being in blueberry academy, they slowly ammended their relationship, after juliana and florian brought back some sense into him. eventually confessing their feelings they had to one another back then and now, they got together. and before yuriel left to go back to uva academy, they finally keep in contact, sending eachother letters. as yuriel finally lives somewhere where they don't commonly move.

they usually like planning trips to kieran's hometown, kitakami, as it's easier to travel there. catching up on lost time they had with one another. yuriel would love to show kieran their hometown, however it's difficult to plan with their sort of busy schedules.

they like to give one another small keychains to be able to match on their rotom phones. (when kieran gets finally gets a proper one, before, he just put it on his bag. ) they regurarly enjoy holding one another's hand, and spending time with one another. they enjoy giving eachother small gifts that remind them of one another.
