⚙️ || Leo



5 months, 23 days ago


His family are woodworkers that trace back to when the Divine Tree was still standing (so share a world with TBN#2 but not involved with the story!) :) They specialized in prosthetics back then. But now every descendant has branched off to build other cool stuff :3 most went on to be successful engineers

Him specifically, he likes making little robot animals!!! Wants to figure out a way to create a device that enhances their spiritual power to bring back cultivation and yao... basically wants to bring his fantasies to life LMAOO

But because of this his family is afraid of him and labelled him a "problem child"... Since tge man who felled the Divine Tree in the first place to build that whole doll army thing was an ancestor, and theyre scared Leo would follow that path... so they tried really hard to get him into other things, pressuring him academically, etc 

Leo is temp name for now WAHJD... derived from leo valdez from heroes of olympus 💥💥💥💥 

feel free to draw him with random bandages across his face, ye frequently gets minor wounds from his experiments XD