


8 months, 20 days ago

Basic Info

Worth (Base Price)

£10 / $13

Additional Art

£70.75 / $89.74

Total Worth

£80.75 / $102.42


Faye's sister, she isn't very interesting herself but she's involved with multiple important parts of the story, being the kit of a leader does that to a person lmao

A big cat with an even bigger heart <3

Voice Claim: Mariah Rose Faith


Mother   Swiftwhisper

Father   Chitalstar

Sister   Fayewatcher

Mate   Proudstar

Sons   Tanglepelt, Sandystep

Daughters   Cherrystripe, Spotfur, Wrencloud

Granddaughter    Maplestripe

Grandsons   Cherryfleck, Kestrelfur

Nieces  Briardapple, Mothmumble

Nephew  Snowleap

• Born in Windclan to Chitalstar and Swiftwhisper, as the older littermate of Fayewatcher.

• She was arranged to be mates with Proudheart, later Proudstar, by her parents. Luckily for both they already had mutual affection towards each other and continue to have a very good relationship.

• She always had a very caring personality, she liked to help the queens with their kits and gave apprentices extra training when their mentors couldn't. She likes to be helpful towards everyone (clanmate or not) and is generally a pleasant cat to be around.

• Unlike her sister Leaffur is usually very organised, and she is well-known to be both socially and intellectually intelligent. (not saying Faye isn't smart, she's just such an airhead that other cats often overlook how smart she actually is)

• She has a very long and fluffy pelt. Because it's easy to get her fur dirty she tends to obsessively clean it, this is probably the reason she's so clean and organised too. If Leaf's fur is messy or dirty, something is wrong lmao

• She inherited her mother's habit of grooming herself or others when she's stressed, so if she's excessively cleaning herself, other cats, or her den that probably also means she's unhappy about something.

• Leaffur and Fayewatcher grew up very close, Faye never had a great reputation so Leaffur always made sure she wasn't alone or left out of anything. It was actually Leaffur and Proudheart who helped Fayewatcher sneak out of Windclan with her kits.

Main Features:

• She's a big girl, around the same size as Chitalstar, maybe just a bit smaller. She's quite a bit taller than Swiftwhisper and Fayewatcher.

• small, rounded ears like Chitalstar's

• long, flowy fur

• her hair floof can be draw shorter or longer than the way I draw it but it's not optional. Sometimes I also like to draw her fur a bit more curly than wavy cause idk I just think curly fur looks nice on her.

• number of stripes + spots is random and varies between images of her, I tend to draw 3-4 stripes

• Her scar is not optional, how it is drawn changes a lot though - it can be drawn with 2 or 3 lines, or ig you can do 4 if you're going for a more realistic style

• Her scar goes through her eye, not over it. She has limited vision in that eye and the scar lines are visible on her eye as a faded green.

• her tail usually drags on the ground cause it's big n heavy, she prioritises cleaning her tail and chest fur + her paws and ears over the rest of her pelt as they are the easiest to get dirty.

• big somft paws, better to bat things with

• round body + face. Her features are more soft and rounded than sharp and pointed. Just an overall very round appearance.

• she's friend-shaped :)