


8 months, 20 days ago


[I am so sleepy. will finish later. But i started this drawing off so lazily when i was tired and am tired again as i came back to finish them. i am so sleepy xD but i love them~]

Name- Daydream
Nickname- Sun, Ray, Sunlight
Species- Cow and earth pony hybrid.
Sexuality- [Not too sure yet] Polyamorous, Panromantic? Demisexual
Relationship- Single
Gender- Nonbinary: She/her - They/them

About: Enjoys the company of those they care about and likes to show up out of nowhere to just soak in their company. Even likes to hover around beings they care about. May not even say anything when they do. Will evade the space of those they are close to or find interesting. Bumps into things sometimes due to their mane over their eyes, but always smiles it off even if they get a bit banged up. Enjoys handmade items and treasures all gifts given by those they care for. Likes to disappear and reappear at random moments, you may never know where they may be. Finds taller beings fascinating. If something catches their eye they will easily getting distracted by it. very easily distracted at times. Likes listening to beings they care about even if they have no idea what is being said.


Likes- Golden accessories, the sun, dancing, The outdoors, Diy decorations and accessories, gifting trinkets to those they care about.


Design notes

Mane and tail sparkle thought its mostly when the sun light hits it.
Yellow glowing freckles on their face and ears.
Yellow tongue.
Mane covers eyes.
Slightly shorter than average height.